What Apple's Copywriting Taught Me As An Engineer

I recently bought a mac after much resistance over the past 10 years. However, I realized during this process that they have kick-ass copywriting which was partly responsible for my decision to finally take the plunge.

I decided to think about why it's so good and came down to two things:

  1. Talk about the emotional impact
  2. Talk like a human

As an engineer, I've definitely had to learn to think differently so I can write better copy and these two things make any copy effective.

I wrote a more in-depth article here if you wanna read more!


posted to
on December 13, 2020
  1. 3

    Wow. This was an impressive topic and I enjoyed reading it all through. I have always been amazed by the Apple Marketing Team. Especially when I see how they reduce most points to just 3 or 2 short phrases like "No fan. No noise. Just Air". Very impactful. I'm super guilty of coming off too technical and we are actually in the process of rewriting our startup landing page to reduce the technicality and appear more simple. Just shared this article with my team. Thanks for going into details on this.

    1. 1

      Its great you found it useful! I feel like better copywriting is low hanging fruit for most engineers.

      1. 1

        Definitely right! This article resonated so well with me and I had to share it on hacker news. It has been getting a lot of attention.

        You can join the conversation here: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=25414562

        1. 1

          Thats amazing! Thanks man! Also noticed you're in austin like me would love to grab coffee after COVID settles down

          1. 1

            Awesome! That sounds great. Do you have twitter?

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