What are the important features of video streaming platform

What are the important features of video streaming platform

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on May 24, 2021
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    Hi, the most important feature depends on your needs based on the product and your platform.

    For example, if most of your audience is on mobile, you'll need to think about:

    support user generated video uploads:

    • Optimized uploads (ie, depending on network availability, restrict upload size etc)
    • Resumable uploads if you want to go a bit further

    For the user streaming side (or for a view-heavy product where content is mainly consumed by the users and uploaded by creators):

    • Make sure your video assets are in the right format (ie, size as well as encoding so that they support features like seeking, subtitles, different bitrates)
    • You'll probably also need a CDN for content distribution.

    However, in the middle of content uploading and distribution, you will need a good content processing pipeline that can transcode between various formats, generate thumbnails etc. PS: That's where our product fits in https://www.indiehackers.com/product/mediamachine

    We also touched upon the broad requirements for creating a streaming platform in our blog :) https://mediamachine.io/blog/video-transcoding-in-2021#how-does-video-transcoding-fit-into-developing-a-user-friendly-content-pipeline

    Good luck! And please don't hesitate to reach out if you want to bounce off any ideas, we'd love to chat with other people in the video space.

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