What are the stages of a startup? πŸƒπŸΎβ€β™€οΈ

Many aspiring entrepreneurs struggle to navigate the complex process of startup development. They often find themselves unsure of the steps they need to take to turn their idea into a thriving business.

And it’s no surprise, really, as there is no universally accepted sequence of steps a startup has to take to reach success. Every journey is unique. Nonetheless, some milestones are similar ☝️

Check out the post below to learn more about:

πŸ’° the major phases of startup development based on funding (from pre-seed to making an exit);

πŸ—οΈ the key stages of startup development from a product perspective (including idea and research, planning, team formation, design and prototyping, MVP development, testing and launch, data analysis, product improvement, and further growth and scaling).

Find insightful tips and best practices for each stage to help you navigate the startup development process more effectively hereπŸ‘‡


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on July 20, 2023
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