What are you building? Comment below!

Hello everyone!

I'm Jassil, an entrepreneur and designer from Kerala, India!

I've been building Bottle (www.bottlehq.com) for the past 10 months with 3 of my close friends and Cofounders.

We are building one tool that teams can use to communicate and manage their work to increase efficiency and collaboration.

But enough about me, I'm looking forward to hear what's being built in our country, India!

Comment below with what you're building right now. Drop in the website link and a small description so we can know better.

Let's grow together? Make this one strong af community!💪🏼

posted to Icon for group India
on March 30, 2021
  1. 5

    I'm working on growing https://Contact.do - contact form in a link

    1. 1

      Oh damn, so this is like a bit link but for your email? Really cool stuff!

  2. 3

    I'm working on Rel - Zapier for Low-code. I've taken a lot of inspiration from projects like Next.js and CRA to try and build the best backend developer experience for Javascripters.


    1. 2

      Damn okay I've zero knowledge bout dev end of things but I love the website (being a designer)!
      All the best to you, buddy! :D

  3. 3

    My name is Naren Keshav & I am working on an AR app called 'mani'. mani is a mobile application.

    You can stick digital notes in the physical world like a sticky note. Once stuck, you can share them with people. mani will guide them to that location, to view it.

    Currently it is available for iOS. https://www.mani.ai/ and the walkthrough video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-RENGkaE2FY

    1. 2

      I just watched the video and wow dude, this is some really cool cool stuff!
      All the best for this, let me know if I can help anyhow :D

      1. 3

        Thanks Jassil. Your team management tool is also amazing. Design in slick and neat.

        I have created a product & now I am looking to build a team around. Finding ways to spread the word to see who would be interested in joining this journey.

  4. 3

    Helping product owners detect bugs fast with automated browser testing: https://firelab.io

    1. 1

      Looks great!
      This is a real need in India! Kudos to you for building this, all the best!

    2. 1

      This looks awesome! I will definitely test this out once I'm done building my MVP!
      All the best, buddy!😁

  5. 2

    Hi all,
    We realized that more and more Indians are exploring Indie hacking or side-hustles. Indians struggle a lot with deciding what to work on because we have been conditioned to be employees, not creators.

    Curio Revelio is a process to help people navigate the Motivation --> Idea --> Business model --> Prototype stage!


    Do check us out and share with anyone you believe can benefit from this!

    1. 1

      Awesome stuff, buddy! I support this, and I hope you do great!

  6. 2

    I am working on blogstreak.com for bloggers to boost engagement rate by providing component like features including clapping and comments and newsletters.

    1. 1

      Just saw your website, I really like it!
      Good luck :D

  7. 2

    Trying to build a simple site that takes a a few answers in a form and display all the statistics gathered as graphs back to the visitors on the page. The visitors are all from a community of people with the same hobby as me... but I have tried I don't know how many nocode/lowcode platforms and they fall short on the display graphs part so still looking for where to build.

    1. 1

      Oh damn, I like the idea.
      So it's like google form but it shows the results in a graphical form to people?

      This might require some level of coding, I guess! I'm not sure

      Nevertheless, keep at it, buddy! I'm sure you will figure it out :D

  8. 2

    the first case study of my new newsletter "Learn how to rebuild Product Hunt's most successful products with No-code" :) https://superbuild.io/newsletter

    1. 2

      I will check it out, thanks! :D

  9. 2

    Bottle website looks pretty great @JassilJamal, keep up the great work!

    1. 1

      Thank you so much, Harsh! This means a lot to me :')

  10. 2

    Cool, we are building a social proof application. clapup.me. It helps startups, indiehackers and small business to curate reviews, mentions and recommendations into your testimonials. We are also planning to build social referrals into it.

    1. 1

      Sounds cool and super useful!

      1. 2

        Thanks. We started this last month and already got 30+ signups for early access. We plan to add more review providers in future and add some analytics for getting insights about customer voices in multiple places.

    2. 1

      Oh oh this is really awesome!
      I hope everything works out for you, all the best :D

      1. 1

        Thank you, hoping to launch by September.

  11. 1

    Working on https://wickedtemplates.com

    Landing pages for your next project.

    You're about to launch and must be 100% focused on your product. Don't lose precious days designing a landing page and testing. Instead, integrate one with your favourite framework.

    1. 2

      I think you put the wrong url above, but I guessed the correct link and found your site.
      You've got some reaally cool templates, I like it! Did you make them yourself?

      All the best to you! :D

      1. 2

        Oh man!
        Thank you for that.

        I did najectjem myself actually, I yave been solo since the lasy week, that I looked for a more technical cofunder, he will be passing them to Next.js

        Thank you so much for the heads up.

  12. 1

    Hi Jassil 👋. I guess our product already crossed paths a couple of times here on Indie Hacker – keep up the great work 🌟.

    As for myself, I'm currently applying what I've been learning about advertising in my last 3 years at Google to building Adflow.ai, a platform that uses AI to create high conversion ads .

    This week we are focusing on improving the engine behind a few of our newest tools (we launched support for Amazon, Taboola and Outbrain last week) as well as onboarding our first paying customers (the product is free, but we had a couple of people reaching out to ask if they could be upgraded already – pretty exciting stuff)

    1. 1

      Wow I absolutely love the whole idea, and the website, Lorenzo! This is really awesome stuff.

      And yes, I remember seeing this before too, but I'm once again thrilled hahah

      All the best to you! :D

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