What are you going to build this week? 🥁

Hello hackers!

It is time to set a goal for this week. 🤙🏻

What are you going to build this week? Drum it up aloud in the comments below and share your goals for the next five days.

My goal: 👉🏻 Implement a CSS router for the Toucaan CSS Framework.

posted to Icon for group Goal Setters
Goal Setters
on February 1, 2021
  1. 5

    Hello Marvin!
    What a great post 🔥

    I'm currently working hard on getting FeedHive ready for launch on Saturday!

    I've managed to build up a fair amount of hype around it, so the expectations are high!

    Goal for this week:

    • Have a successful launch on Saturday.
    • Hopefully get to rank "up there" on Producthunt.
    • Help all new users that sign up and may have issues.
    1. 2

      Thank you @SimonHoiberg. All the best with your launch! 🚀

  2. 3

    Integrated onboarding for JustFitness.io.
    What's the point if I'm the only one who knows how to use it ?

  3. 3

    🤘 Hi guys,

    During this week I would like to finish couple things. We decided that Owwly will be focus only on products. No more post with poor quality. We're going to remove all complexity and promote the best websites and apps. If you have your own - visit us and promote yourself ;)

  4. 3

    I’m working on an entrepreneur course for kids. Helping two clients finish their websites for launch this month. Very excited for everything and one. Kudos ☺️

  5. 3

    Going to start a blog to document the start of working on a first basic product this month!

  6. 3

    Hey there 👋

    I've been working for a couple of weeks on a side project, a web push notifications service I needed called Singlewave, and it's almost time to release it to the public, so I gotta work on Documentation and privacy policy.

    I also need to put some nasty coding work into a game my brother and I are making.

    Lots of work!

    1. 2

      Solid. All the best for your weekly goals!

    2. 2

      this sounds amazing! would love to chat. We are looking to implement web push notifications

      1. 1

        Thanks, that wold be awesome! I just sent you an email to the TheTrackApp address :)

  7. 2

    Building out the notifications system and public goals pages my very first SaaS, Lifelog !

    Had a pretty good first month since soft launch, got a regular community of daily writers and makers going, and had crossed over 300 posts written, $600 revenue, $30 MRR. Hope to implement all the basic features and get Lifelog to stable v1.0 within the month or so.

  8. 2

    Hello Marvin!

    The goal of this week is to:

    • Build a website for a homecare agency and then integrate with netlify
    • Complete sections 3, 5, and 6 of the complete Javascript course on Udemy.
  9. 2

    We just created an Early User Signup page for our online shopping app, Risa. Risa is indexing EVERY INDEPENDENT ONLINE SELLER'S STORE on the internet, and making millions of products discoverable.

    Our motto is "Shop Outside the Box" (the Big Box).

    This week I will be trying to get early sign-ups for Risa. Risa is free -- I would love it if you would check it out!


  10. 2

    Same goal as last week: find 5 new beta testers ⛹️⛹️⛹️⛹️⛹️
    (If you're looking for beta testers yourself, I'm also available to help with my participation in your product! DM me if you're interested in testing our auth solution or just join here!)

  11. 2

    My goal this week is to improve the daily challenges on my language learning app (https://polygloss.app), release a new version and write a newsletter :)

    1. 1

      All the best with your weekly goal! 👍🏻

  12. 2

    Goal: Go live with an IOS Beta version for thetrackapp (https://thetrackapp.com)

    1. 1

      All the best for your launch/go live! 🚀

  13. 2

    Hey Marvin, polishing something that started as a tool to help me out to find freelancer gigs and is now developing into a subscription based bot for discord, wpp and telegram. MVP should be up and running today or the day after.

    Feeling confident!

    1. 1

      Awesome! All the best with your MVP! 🚀

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

  14. 2

    I'm thinking of building problem sets for something that is like LeetCode, but for software development. It would focus on things like testability, documentation, readability etc

  15. 2

    This week I'm going to:

    • Finish In App Payments on Android and iOS for my V2 version of FriendTime
    • create statistics / challenges for contacting your friends more often
    • publish FriendTime v2 to the stores (hopefully launch next week!)
    1. 1

      Those are clear goals. All the best! 🚀

  16. 2

    Hi I am working on Analytics Tally. This week I will be fixing some bugs, do some research on new google analytics version and make few changes in the home page.

  17. 2

    I’m going to rewrite the backend API of Mindible (don’t take care of the landing page, it will be reworked) on top of AWS Lambda and API Gateway. Excited!

  18. 2
    • Building a side project that helps service businesses fill canceled appointments

    • Starting to build out a stock investment mentorship platform for a friend

    • Shipping a new product at the startup - encapsulated data modules

  19. 1

    I have mobile game that has 21 games integrated inside: https://locospartygame.net locos

    And now I try to build an audience for it...
    Also a sand castle on the beach!

  20. 1

    Building our new website for paperless.io 🎉 Can't wait

  21. 1

    I myself often went wrong with positioning products. That's why I read April Dunford's Obviously Awesome. I'm working on a tool that uses that framework to structure my thoughts for future products.


  22. 1

    I am building Clubhouse for remote teams 💬, Drop-in audio talk lets teams Spark a conversation with a single click. Check out Tappy 👈 if you are interested.

  23. 1
    • Add 20 new tools to Bootstrap Toolkit

    • Have a prototype ready for my new project. BTW if you want to help you can fill this 2-minute survey

  24. 1

    Hi Marvin! Hello IndieHackers!

    This week I'm building the Ad Dashboard for my self serve ad platform for blogs.

    You can see it here: https://fastur.com

  25. 1

    I just finished my side project https://mysite.gg, a website builder for creators and influencers, this week I'm planning to promote it, launch it here on IH and on PH.

  26. 1

    Hey all!

    Well, I publicly launched Nodewood last week, and did a bunch of marketing around it, so I'm probably going to keep doing more of that, just in a slightly more low-key way. I really want to get back to doing some product work, specifically planning and starting on building out the teams feature, so you can invite/manage/add permissions to team members from a brand-new project.

  27. 1

    I am going to be building daily auto-fetching into BudgetSheet. It is a very highly requested feature of BudgetSheet, and I just got all the required oAuth permissions granted by Google to achieve this (running scripts without user interaction).

  28. 1

    I'm building a survey to learn more about makers and what they need help within the next 6 months.
    If so kindly, I would love to get insights from makers!

    maker survey

  29. 1

    Building the version 2 of Jobflow.io - been a long way, but we're getting there.

  30. 1

    I'm making a few changes to a new feature I made last week. It automatically curates the most popular Tweets in various categories and publishes them on boostlane.com

    I'm seeing more new followers on Twitter, since this feature went live a few days ago.


  31. 1

    I am going to focus on marketing and content research for 24browser.com

  32. 1

    I'm building https://p42.ai/ - my plan for this week:

    • implement a mechanism to easily update outdated pull requests
    • write one blog post
    • improve user activation flow (e.g. send email once first analysis results are ready)
    1. 1

      Those are clear goals. All the best! 🚀

    2. 1

      Hi! So what is P42 doing that eslint (or similar tools) dont already do for free?

      1. 1

        ESLint is a linter. It's great and I'm using it. However, it's mostly for reporting lint violations plus offering a select number of (small) fixes (which often don't consider context sufficiently and need be manually checked). Most violations need to be fixed manually.

        P42 helps you upgrade your codebase automatically. There is some overlap with automatic lint fixes, but the direction will be larger and more analysis-intensive modernizations (think codemods, library upgrades and semi-automatic large-scale refactoring).

  33. 1

    I am making a react app and trying to submit form data and images in my back-end! after 6 hours of hassle finally, I managed to get it to work

  34. 1

    I am playing with Ansible to automate server provisioning for my side projects. I also plan to write about this, the first article being Provisioning machines locally with Ansible and Vagrant.

  35. 1

    Hey Marvin!

    Currently working on a new feature VenturesList to help my members prepare their first time investment

    Also working on a brand new illustration store ;)

    1. 1

      Exciting! Illustration stores are so “in vogue” these days! 🚀

  36. 1

    Working on What Is A Farm? to help people grow their own food.

    Last week I:

    • ran a group seed order for local gardeners from my list
    • put together my personal seed inventory in Notion in preparation of launching a remote seed swap

    I'm resisting the urge to write any code at this stage. I've been learning a lot from Zoom calls, phone calls, emails and texts with these growers, and I think I'm just starting to actually deliver any value. Even saying that much is debatable. I already know I had some bad assumptions about how the group seed order would go. Code comes later!

    This week I will:

    • distill lessons learned from the group seed order
    • launch the remote seed swap
    • launch blog with a first post that reviews existing resources for figuring out your planting calendar
    1. 1

      Sounds pretty awesome! Good luck with that mate!

    2. 1

      Interesting. All the best with your goals of this week!

  37. 1

    I am working on to create a dedicated page on Micro SaaS Ideas for displaying MRR data of various companies (primarily saas companies).

  38. 1

    This week I'll continue working on my book (https://www.indiehackers.com/product/dev-concepts); I should read 75-80% of the second part.

    I'll also work on my SaaS product, for which I have two main goals this week: deliver a productivity feature requested by our test users, and decide what to do with our authentication/authorization system, which we implemented ourselves at the beginning, but doesn't integrate with anything and forces us to create accounts manually. Far from great at the moment.. That one's really tricky.

    1. 1

      Good Morning Sébastien,

      Checked out your product and liked your table of contents page for users to understand the value of your book. Good Luck this week!

      I work with an easy auth solution if you want to try out Swoop as an option for auth. Free to use.

      J'ai vécu à Liège en 1994! C'est mon pays préféré. Le Pot au Lait, everyday.

  39. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 1

      Or.... you could keep things simple and use www.dynablogger.com :D (I'm the founder)

  40. 2

    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

    1. 1

      Start with small chewable daily goals. That way you’ll be able to avoid delays or massive unguided sprints like “launch it asap.”

      All the best! ❤️

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

      2. 1

        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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