What are you going to build this week? 🥁

Well, good Monday morning folks! ☀️

It's time to set a goal.

What are you going to build this week? Share your goals for the week here in the comments below and complete it by Friday.


My goal: …well, I'm taking a break this entire week because of this update . 😇

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Goal Setters
on October 12, 2020
  1. 3

    -Main goal is continue to add new No-Code tutorials and courses for No Code Guru - https://trynocode.guru
    -Setup conversions / goals for analytics

  2. 2

    Going to add sharing functionality to liftosaur.com. So you could share your workout results and personal records (if any!) on Facebook, Twitter, etc.

  3. 2

    Goal of the week : create the perfect design for a science web newspaper !
    I'm so excited for this, the clients are college students who want to fight fakenews about scientific subjects and i think it's soooo cool :D

  4. 2

    Build an invoicing system for our site.

  5. 2

    I'm working on maintaining React-Emoji-Search 🦄

  6. 1

    I'm entering the second week of my 3rd side project VenturesList

    Hustling, growing and getting feedback!

  7. 1

    Our attempt is to implement authentication into our app using Auth0 and Hasura PostgreSQL - or at least a very basic working version of it so we can start to pull in data from our users table once authentication.

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    This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

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      Hey @asimon, think I seen your site yesterday :) Before you start the blog, I'll be cheeky and plug my product which might help speed up that process! - https://astrolahq.com

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        This comment was deleted 7 months ago.

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          Haha thanks! Yours too :) - Any questions give me a shout.

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    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

    1. 2

      haha! that’s indie hacking at its basest definition! 😅

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      This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

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