What are you working on this month? (February 2022)

It's already February! We're almost done with winter!

Here's how to join the discussion:

First, respond to someone else who has commented, either to offer encouragement or constructive feedback.

Next, describe what you're working on, and what your biggest goal is for February.

If there's a specific thing that the IH community can help you with, tell us what it is!

That's it! Looking forward to seeing what all of you industrious and creative people are working on!

posted to Icon for group Goal Setters
Goal Setters
on February 2, 2022
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    👋 Hi! I'm working on https://thesidekick.app/
    It's a productivity tool dedicated to blocking internet distractions and focusing on deep work. You can block sites, set goals, schedule pomodoro sessions, and manage tasks in kanban style.

    Our biggest goal for February is: getting some new features out and cleaning our backlog. Of course, also growing our user base would be lovely.

    One thing the IH community can help with is:

    • Providing feedback on the first time user experience! This means onboarding and doing one session. I know this is a lot 😢 but would be so helpful in understanding first time users and improving our growth and engagement strategy.

    Thanks all!

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      Hey @allison_mui!

      This tool will be extremely useful to those that get easily distracted or need to be held more accountable to achieve their goals. With working from home becoming the norm, I can see a project like Sidekick taking off.

      I'll sign up and provide some feedback :) Would appreciate hearing your feedback on our SimpleTour as well!


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        on it! be back with feedback in a jiffy.

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          Hey Allison,

          Just signed up and created my first goal! I really like the product. It's beautifully designed.

          I'm by no means a developer - simply a business guy - but I think having an "X" to close out of the pop-up modals on the dashboard might be nice.

          For example, when I select "Set Goal" in the bottom left of the dashboard, the modal that pops up doesn't have an exit option other than clicking off of it. Super minor detail, but those that aren't that "tech-savvy" might wonder how to exit the modal.

          May not be the most helpful feedback in the world, but hey, it's something ;)

          All the best to you and Sidekick!

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            Thanks! Thanks for the suggestion. Could definitely see that :). That's something we'll fix right away!

            My feedback for SimpleTour:

            • Really neat product. I like how the onboarding showcased the product right away. I wonder if this could be even more highlighted. Like a small label "made with SimpleTour" something like that so I could see the product in action.
            • When I was making my own tour, I got a little confused if what I was building using the extension was what my users would see? If that makes sense. Could you perhaps create an interactive preview mode? As if I'm my own end user, what would I experience?
            • I didn't see the connection to the Chrome Extension right away. Creating an account from your website led me into the onboarding process on the dashboard. I created a tour, but then I realized I needed to install the extension to be able to create steps to the tour. Maybe this connection between the 2 can be stronger or at least more clear.

            That's it! I could see myself building out an onboarding experience with this tool in the future. It's definitely a time saver!

            I hope my feedback is helpful. Let me know if you need any clarification. happy to have a call or something :)

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              Hey Allison,

              Thank you so much for the in-depth feedback and suggestions. They're all valid and will help SimpleTour become a better tool.

              Hope to see you onboard in the future!

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    👋 Hello! I'm working on https://tabwhale.com

    It's a site to create and learn Kalimba tabs. Kalimba is a musical instrument and a tab is a way of representing a song.

    I released it a few months ago and published it on Reddit. I created a community there so people can give me feedback, ask for features, post bugs, etc. It's been working great so far, I've implemented a lot of useful features they have asked for. There are currently 30 published tabs on the site.

    February goals:

    • Implement a few features from users feedback
    • Add a few ads, so it can start to generate some income
    • Do some research on what kalimba tabs people are searching the most and add them to the site
    • Start marketing it on other channels where kalimba users hang out, like TikTok

    I would love some feedback from the IH community 😁

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    Recently I've been working on a new project I came up with called HiddenTalent

    The goal of the site is to let people passively and anonymously look for new jobs. Currently in a public beta stage. Would love any feedback on both the candidate side and on the recruiter side.

    I've built tons of apps before and always struggle to market them and get people to actually use them.

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    We are working on SimpleTour, a tool that lets you build interactive product walkthroughs right on your site. Ultimately, allowing you to onboard and retain users while reducing time spent on support inquiries.

    February goals: new pricing tiers (introduce free tier), callback api, checklists, and move from MAU to assists model.

    We are currently in public beta stage and are looking for input. If anyone's interested, check out our demo and let us know what you think!

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      Hey Griffin! Cool product.

      Some thoughts on your homepage:

      I think you need to give some thought to your copy. "Turn your users into experts with beautiful product tours" doesn't communicate the real value add. Your beautiful product tours should increase conversion rates, turning tentative would-be users into enthusiastic adopters. So perhaps you could say: "Increase user conversion with beautiful product tours" or "Reduce bounce rates with simple product tours".

      I think that instead of having generic graphics without text to demonstrate your product, you should have a real use case.

      Instead of immediately having a link to sign up after your banner, I would have a link to the demo.

      Overall, looks great! Good luck!

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        Hey Brandon!

        Really appreciate the feedback. And I agree, our copy could use an update with some good buzz words. Thanks for pointing that out.

        Yup, we'll be adding actual screenshots of the platform soon. I think that'll help showcase our offering.

        Also a great idea. The more people that demo the product the better chance we have of someone signing up!

        Thanks again and all the best :)


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    I'm working on vertex.im
    Free 3D icons, that you can customize directly in your browser - angle, colors, materials.

    Launched a few days ago.

    And, of course, it would be great to get a feedback and ideas.

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      Really cool site!

      • I think undo and redo buttons would be really useful, since it's very easy to mess it up ;)
      • It would be cool to have a few buttons to realign the 3D object... or maybe just one button to restore its position to the original one
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        Thanks, mate!

        Actually, great ideas. I'll try to implement it next release.

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      That is SO cool. Your landing page is great - especially the part where you can customize the icon right away. It definitely shows Vertex in action right away.

      A few notes:

      • The icons in the click to customize section took a while to load. I would suggest adding an animated progress bar just to show the user that something is actually happening.
      • I noticed that the icons are rendering on top of eachother. I think this is a bug? For example, when I clicked on the diamond, it rendered on top of the battery. I saw this happen for a few icons.
      • I would have loved to see a section like an inspiration gallery of sorts - to see the icons in action. I think these would be relatively easy to whip up - like mock websites from all different industries to show the potential the icons have to offer. You could also post them on Behance or Dribble to get more engagement to your site.

      Hope that's helpful :)

      1. 1

        Thanks a lot, Allison!

        1. Progressbar - good idea. I'll do it soon.

        2. This is strange. I've never seen that bug on my pc/laptop. But I'll try to find it.

        3. Section with examples I wanted to add, but hide just for now. Decided to concentrate on core features.

        Thanks again, I really appreciate it.

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