What are your favourite Python libraries?

Hey guys, I started using Python since 2015 and professionally since 2017. Python has a ton of powerful libraries and supporting communities which makes it a great language for almost any type of project. Some of my favourite libraries/frameworks over the years have been

  1. requests
  2. flask
  3. pandas
  4. scrapy

Curious to hear yours!

  1. 2

    Flask, jinja2, requests, httpx, BeautifulSoup4, Flask-SQLAlchemy, Flask-WTF, SQLite, Alembic, Pillow, python-ffmpeg... there's too many to list!

    Interest is primarily web development.

  2. 1

    There are many libraries to discover them for hours and they are easy to use.
    Drawdata is yet another cool python library finding of mine.

  3. 1

    I like:

    • Django
    • Pandas
    • Scikit-learn
    • Keras
  4. 1

    There are so many if I need to pick one then

    1. flask
      After that, any other package will come
    2. requests
    3. sqlalchemy
    4. pandas
    5. scikit-learn
    6. keras
    7. jinja2
    1. 1

      cool... what are you doing with keras?

      1. 1

        For machine learning tasks. Used Keras with Tensorflow.

  5. 1

    I have a single favourite framework...

    1. 2

      cool... what do you use django for? job, side projects, client works?

      1. 1

        I used Django for my Job.. but will also use in some freelance work later on

  6. 1

    Oh python...

    I have so many favorite libraries that I would spend hours listing them all.. hahaha

    Come on!

    1. pandas
    2. scikit-learn
    3. fastAPI
    4. scrapy
    5. dask
    6. requests
    7. re
    8. sqlalchemy
    9. beautifulSoup

    and many others

    1. 1

      Are you working on any projects using these right now?

      1. 1

        I'm currently working on some projects using FastAPI and Scrapy.

        I have some ideas and I intend to launch my first API in rapidAPI in a few days.

        Is that you?

        What technologies are you currently using in your projects?

        1. 1

          cool... I would love to hear about your projects. I am also building some APIs using flask.

          1. 1

            My initial idea is to start developing some "common" APIs that already have an audience.

            The idea of ​​my first API is basically an API that provides historical data and game data from some game.

            Honestly I never built anything with the intention of making it public but let's see what it will be hahahah

            And your projects?

            Do you also intend to commercialize your APIs? Tell me a little.

            1. 1

              Not much as side projects. I am mainly using it for some client projects. In one of the project we are scraping betting odds from portals and creating api out of it. Something like oddsportal but an api.

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