What are your MRR goals for 2022? Why?

Personally, I'm aiming for $2K MRR across multiple projects. That would be enough to pay the bills and keep me in the indie hacking game.

posted to Icon for group Goal Setters
Goal Setters
on December 30, 2021
  1. 14

    30K for Pintura. I'm working on a new NoCode service, planning to launch in January, reaching 5K by the end of the year for that would be excellent.

    I think Pintura will just naturally get there by June. The new service would just be great if it did, it's there to diversify income so I don't rely on the income of one product, it picking up some steam would ease my mind a bit.

    I don’t really have a concrete “why”? Maybe I'm not pushing myself hard enough? I'm just trying to build great products and share the word, don't really have any specific income goal apart from it having to sustain my family.

    1. 3

      This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

  2. 9

    $1 MRR. Baby steps. I want to get my first own product out there and get the first customer.

    1. 3

      That first dollar feels 1000x better than hitting $1k MRR or any other milestone (for me so far) to be honest

      1. 1

        I believe you 🙂What are your goals with Happyfeed? With 1.1K MRR it is nice side project. Any plans to switch full-time?

        1. 1

          It definitely gives me some confidence in its potential! Spent most of last year focused on improving retention and planning to shift to growth and maybe even raise a bit of capital this year

  3. 4

    I’d be happy with 1k MRR

    1. 1

      1k is a goal for me as well. if I get to that point, I can say I'm on the right track.

      1. 1

        Are you (or your family) from the Caribbean?

        1. 1

          yup, parents are from Trinidad.

  4. 4

    Hoping to reach at least 2K MRR in 2022. $1K is the short term goal though.

    Why? at just $1k /mo, I could continue to stay full time and that covers whatver life costs I currently have.

    I feel like if I worked "harder" it would come faster but it's difficult to work "harder" when you've been drilling at it everyday for the past 365 days already haha. Cause at this point, I am fatigue but still pushing.

    1. 2

      We're in a similar boat, just want to cover basic life costs. Good luck and watch out for burn out!

    2. 2

      Work smarter not harder.

      Asking “what would I work on if I only had 2 hours to spend this week” really helps determine what to focus on.

    3. 1

      Keep hustling, buddy.

  5. 4

    I've launched an iOS app recently so I'm excited about having to work on a side project finally. Moreover, I'm happy that I'm receiving traction as well. Trials started coming in from the first day.

    The goal for 2022 is to bootstrap the MRR to at least $4k in order to go and raise money for further expansion without giving too much.

  6. 3

    The first goal is $1k MRR for Pirsch Analytics so that all costs are covered (not including payment for ourselves). The long-term goal would be $10k MRR to allow both of us to work full-time on it :)

  7. 3

    Same as yours! It's my ramen profitable amount that will allow me to never work again.

    This MRR I'm planning to make combined from all my projects including SaaS products, info products, YouTube channel and many more experiments I make in 2022!

    But the soft goal is 1k$. I think it's the amount that shows that I'm doing something right.

    1. 2

      I also have a soft goal of 1k for the same reasons :)

  8. 3

    Growing OrgPad from $400 MRR to $4000 MRR. Getting more paying customers is a nice challenge ever since we finally added payments 4 months ago.

  9. 3

    I'm yet to make my first sale for a dev tool I'm about to launch soon. MVP has been doing well, lots of data points and clarity on what to do next.

    Goal: Not MRR, but I'm setting an ARR goal of $10K in 2022.

    Why: My day job still keeps me afloat. And $10K is what I consider a good additional income on top of my salary. I also see 2022 as a year of learning.

    1. 1

      All the very best, mate.

  10. 2

    For https://zoto.app, we are aiming for 10K MRR

  11. 2

    10k and going all in!

    I'm working on Centori nights and weekends, I started the year trying to build a simpler/friendlier/cheaper SEO tool but there are a lot of those and people are still confused about SEO.

    So I pivoted in June into coaching marketers and founders on how to build an SEO strategy and manage it on our software and we hit $2K MRR by November.

    After a few years of starts and stops, I'm hoping 2022 is the year I can go all in!

  12. 2

    $0-$10k MRR for Mapply by end of '22

    It's ambitious and there's a good change it won't happen but I'll be trying

    Follow along here if you want to see me do it in public

  13. 2

    $0 MRR.

    I guess that makes me the under-achiever here ;-)

    I want to give myself the space and time to find the right project(s) without too much pressure, and I'm fortunate enough to be in a position to do so.

  14. 2

    I reached a big new milestone of $500 MRR today with Helpkit. My goal for this year was to reach > 300$ MRR with a new product and I'm super happy to have achieved that.

    In terms of goals for next year, 1K MRR would be good and if I manage to get to 2K MRR that would be absolutely incredible as it would allow me to be completely ramen profitable.

  15. 2

    I'd be extremely happy if I could go from $0 MRR today to $5000 MRR by December 2022 - for a new service I'm planning to launch in January 2022.

  16. 2

    Hope so you achieve it, Nicholas.

    I don't have any product. So can't say much.

  17. 1

    👋 I'm working on https://simpleapi.xyz and looking to make my first £1/$1/€1 from it in 2022!

  18. 1

    I'd be happy with $100 a month for (Qenu)[https://www.indiehackers.com/product/qenu] 😅.

    It's not a ground breaking product, but since I'm focusing on a niche sector (food business), I'm hoping it will do better. Especially the custom menus features 🙂.

    1. 2

      Nice - I've started to see Qenu pop up on twitter a couple of times, think it's a really cool app and really needed. Reading the Qenu profile/milestones is quite inspiring! Can you upload things others than menus to the QR code?

      1. 1

        Thanks for the feedback @cerwind 🙌. You can technically use the QR codes to redirect to anything. I was going to market it that, but thought I'd double down focusing on a niche, even for the marketing. However, you've got me thinking now 😅.

  19. 1

    $8000 MRR would be enough for me to maintain the lifestyle at any city on the face of the earth.

  20. 1

    I would be happy with $1 MRR. Don't have a clear goal in terms of MRR, want to build 12 projects in 12 months and go from there. If any product could make money and it gets 1 paying customer I would be happy!

  21. 1

    It’s a big step but we’re going for £80k at Lix. Not all at once, though. Our Q1 starts in February (thanks David Sacks) and the quarterly targets Alfie and I want to hit that are way smaller than that. Quarterly targets are much easier to grok.

    We’ve seen our best month is November so we’re targeting then for our £80K goal.

    Why? Because we need cash flow to bring some of the bigger AI goals and a full redesign to market in 2023.

    Wish us luck!

  22. 1

    $10k MRR from Growform.

    Customers are loving it w/o needing onboarding, users are coming in from organic search... time put fuel on the fire.

  23. 1

    My MRR goal is 1000$ with bannernote.com - I had fantastic 3 last months of onboarding my first enterprise client and my goal is to add now some ads. Somebody has any experience with FB ads?

  24. 1

    I'm currently at $430+ MRR with my SEO Tool KatLinks. My goal is to take to $2k MRR by the end of 2022.

  25. 1

    15k/mth for Instant Logo by the end of 2022!

    Although the revenue is only 1.5/mth last month; we just started promoting the web, and put all effort into the traffic growth after months of product enhancement.

    Fingers crossed.☺️

  26. 1

    I'm taking a full time job this week, but will be treating my YouTube channel as my main side project. Would love to average $250/month between AdSense and affiliate income in "MRR" for 2022. This would comfortable pay for all creative software and allow incremental upgrades in gear for production quality and reviews.

  27. 1

    Working on Lead Generation SaaS and planning to get $10k MRR by this year.
    I already helped a client reach $23k MRR on a solid SaaS I coded all by myself. So most probably I need to follow the same route and simplify the tool, also making an advanced version.
    Also, I added API credits to sell on RapidAPI.com, lets see what happens.
    This is the tool: https://leadgen.tools

  28. 1

    I run BudgetSheet and am very close to hitting $1k MRR. I anticipate crossing that threshold very soon now that we are rolling into Q1 & Q2, which is the best time of year for personal/biz finance products like mine.

    My goal for 2022 is to be a $2.5k MRR by year end. I believe this to be possible because BudgetSheet 10x'd in 2021.

    Why? Because I ultimately want to work for myself and own my own time as a long term career goal, and BudgetSheet is my way to get there. I just have to keep it growing!

  29. 1

    Going to try for $10K MMR for our new B2B SaaS product. Soft-launch in February, so hopefully by June we'll have made a bit of progress on customer acquisition. We'll have a team of 3 from January, so we are in the scary cash-burn / zero revenue phase (bootstrapping using consulting revenue).

  30. 1

    $1.000 MRR by the end of 2022 with Sync Rentals (software for individual vacation rental owners).🤞 If not, I'm done with it and try a brand new thing.

  31. 1

    I want to get back to $200 MRR for QuizMe

  32. 1

    I have almost started my software development agency and my goal is to reach 6k MRR in 2022. Also Looking to connect with people who can collaborate and we can share value.
    Here is my LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/haseeb-abdul-340688164/
    if you want to connect.

  33. 1

    Hope you reach your goal soon! ;)

  34. 1

    Happy to see others with a $1000/month goal. I share that goal — it's roughly minimum wage where I live which would be excellent since a lot of it is passive.

    ExtensionPay has peaked around $250/month so far. I've started realizing it's going to be pretty difficult to scale revenue very high when taking 5% on browser extension sales. So I've been considering branching out to other projects.

    1. 1

      Hey, Extension Pay is a nice product, I need this kind of features on a Chrome Extension!

      1. 1

        Thanks! Feel free to email me if you need any help: [email protected]

        1. 1

          Do you know any Chrome Ext. dev groups?

          I’m looking for content about it, I need to do something I think Chrome Ext are perfect for.

            1. 1


              Do you tried different pricings for ExtPay?

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    This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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      This comment was deleted a year ago.

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