What are your resolutions for 2022?

2022 is very close now, and I want to make my resolutions for the new year.

My resolutions for 2022 are-

  • Complete Web Development Bootcamp neog
  • Get a job
  • Grow Twitter followers to 500 members
  • Grow Instagram followers to 500 members

What are your resolutions for 2022?

posted to Icon for group Goal Setters
Goal Setters
on December 19, 2021
  1. 13

    I want to help another Indie Hacker reach $5k MRR. Ill be making a post soon, looking for indie hackers with a low MRR. I plan on meeting with them weekly, coaching them to $5k.

    1. 2

      Good luck. Hope you find someone. Will you be doing it for free?

    2. 1

      Would like to schedule a meeting when you start doing this. Thank you!

    3. 1

      that's really cool, Good luck with that.

  2. 7


    My list:

    • get decent at SEO
    • make my own garden furniture lounge set
    • learn how to field hockey dribble like a pro
    1. 1

      Best of Luck, for these things Arjen

  3. 6


    Just kidding. My resolution is to no longer read wild success stories, which I find discouraging.

    1. 1

      you just couldn't resist.
      The best joke ive seen today

    2. 1

      I also enjoyed the post you linked! Thank you for writing and sharing!

    3. 1

      Haha I've totally been in this boat, Paolo! There have been times in my life where it was Struggle City all day everyday, and at those times, reading about people who had been wildly successful simply drove me to hate myself.

      Not everyone is going to be a unicorn. And we shouldn't have to be a unicorn to feel good about ourselves.

      1. 1

        The problem is not so much hating oneself. It's the implication of these success stories that, because there's a handful of wildly successful creators, most others can get similar results if they just [do the right things|work hard|believe in themselves|insert motivational vagueness here].

  4. 4
    1. Finish my e-book
    2. Work less but accomplish more (I've been working on this for the entirety of 2021 and I feel like I've already imroved myself soo much)
    3. Finish my tini-tiny side project that's been on the shelf for 2 months.
    4. Re-read wheel of time
    5. Learn at least one major skill every quarter.
    6. Get a third cat :)
    1. 1

      Good luck on the ebook.
      You could write one chapter per week or month as a blog post here on IH or anywhere else.

  5. 4

    When writing goals, I try to follow James Clear's guide on # A Scientific Guide to Setting and Achieving Goals. I always want a number value assigned to each goal so I can measure my results. A new year is a great time to measure your previous goals and set new goals for the future.
    My 2022 Goals

    1. 1

      Woaw. Big goals! Big muscle emoji

  6. 4
    • walk with my wife every day
    • read some fiction every week
    • deadlift 500#
    • cultivate a habit of a technology sabbath once a week
    • make what my customers need
    • complete 4 technology workshops (1 per quarter)
    • write 12 blog posts
    • be a high achieving core contributor at my job
    • provide enough value that my customers want to pay me.
    1. 2

      I especially like the "walk with my wife daily". It's going to be hard to do tho.

      You can write one thing you like about her daily. Maybe she was kind to a stranger, her hair looked nice, she got you something it could be whatever.
      And then you give her the book on her birthday in 2023

    2. 2

      Nice resolutions, Devin. Best of Luck👍

  7. 4

    Mine are:-
    ~ Learn & master JavaScript
    ~ Grow Twitter (https://twitter.com/iamHammadNasir) followers to 1000
    ~ Build a profitable business


    1. 2

      Hey @hammadnasir,

      All the luck to you, creating a profitable and sustainable business. This is by far the hardest of the 3!


        1. 2

          What are you working on?

          1. 1

            Currently building getunfake.com & another side-project.

            1. 2

              Good luck on both of them! what's the other side project?
              The concept for unfake is awesome good luck. hope users love your product

              1. 1

                Thanks for your valuable feedback on Unfake! Let's connect on Twitter.

                1. 2

                  Following you right now. my twitter is in my profile

            2. 2

              That sounds like a huge opportunity. Especially after following the HN discussion; "Amazon still isn't doing enough to stop bait-and-switch reviews"

              Is NFC expensive? I mean, can I order 10K generic NFC tags on Alibaba, and program them? How does this work? (I'm not in any physical product market, just curious)

              1. 1

                Nope. Not much expensive specially if bought in bulk.

                Yup, can be ordered & programmed.

    2. 2

      Best of Luck, Hammad!👍

  8. 3

    Among others:

    • Learn Javascript and ReactJS to a proficient level
    • Build an MVP for my current project
    • Maintain my workout regiment throughout the entire year
  9. 3

    I love threads like this. You can revisit them a year later and see how much you've accomplished.

    • Get better at rollerblading
    • Finally make the final leap from vegetarian to vegan.
    • Drink more water
    • Launch!
    • Improve my personal finance.
    • Get one step-closer to work for my own job.
    1. 1

      Is there anything stopping me from going full vegan

  10. 3

    My list:

    • Scale my portfolio of sites to $10k/mo
    • Flip my two existing sites for at least $30k each
    • Hit at least $10k with my content agency
    • Travel to at least 3 countries
    • Lose weight and start eating healthy
    1. 1

      You have a lot going on. Good luck

  11. 3

    My 2K22 goals :

    • earn money with my side project
    • earn 20k€ with my online courses in webdesign & nocode
    • earn 20k€ with nocode freelance project maker
    • create a paid newsletter to my side project
    • write 52 linkedin articles
    • begin a real nocode designer maker
    1. 1

      Interested in the nocode designer

  12. 3

    The biggest lesson learned of 2020 and 2021 in regards to indie hacking for me was definitely that things take a lot longer than you think, planned or hoped for.

    My main resolution therefore is to figure out how to accelerate everything.

    1. 2

      If you can figure out a way to create stuff that you won't have to revisit, you can start compounding the effects.

      1. 1

        Exactly this. Starting from 0 we had to visit a ton of topics, and making it a priority to only do things once ("do it once, do it right") is now ingrained in the culture of our little startup.

        The other most important thing related to this was that we got a lot better at saying no to things. The easiest code to maintain is code you did not write.

    2. 1

      Hi, Jan!

      my POV on this is that when things are in your control, means you have a team you are building everything on your own that you need in your project (or whatever work you are doing) then you can accelerate the process more effectively.

      But if you need help from some other (or external) agency, and you have no control over the inner working of the agency, then it might be hard to accelerate the process.

      1. 2

        Good argument. We opted from the beginning to rely a lot on PaaS (e.g. Heroku) because we wanted to ensure we do not have to worry to much about things.

        Everything that is core to our product we build ourselves, everything that we think we should not re-invent we rely on existing solutions.

  13. 2

    I really only have one goal: launch my first product.

  14. 2

    I've plans to grow Developers vs. Marketing to $5K/MRR (from $1,4K/MRR now) by end of April.
    Then I want to finally start a personal blog - BartBoch.com - where I'll run a no-bs blog about startups, marketing, and self-growth (I'm trying to force myself to do this for a couple of years now).
    Also, I have an idea for a side project, that has the potential to become something large. I'd love to work on it in February.
    Then in March, I am starting a trip around the world with my wife! We'll be traveling for 1,5 years (at least) and, despite travel difficulties due to current events, we hope we'll be able to see a big chunk of the globe.
    Somewhere around mid-year, I want to start a no-bs vlog (travel/business-related) - something like "Life for Sale", but for SMB's or Startups.
    Besides all that, I want to learn to get a break when needed, to start enjoying small things again, and to work on things that I'm best at.
    It'll be a good year.

  15. 2
    • Launch a product that brings in recurring revenue
    • Run a marathon
  16. 2

    My goals for 2022 are:

    • Scale sociomata.com to $15k MRR

    • Launch 2 more SaaS products

    • Engage and build an audience on Twitter (1000 people)

    • Grow Arvid Kahl SaaS Wisdom (https://twitter.com/ArvidKahlBot) and YCombinator Startup School Wisdom (https://twitter.com/StartupSchoolYC) to 2500 followers each.

    • Read 24 books

  17. 2

    I want to leave my remote job in the middle of 2022 & fully focus on my business.

  18. 2

    During 2021, I was able to really get back into coding. I made and launched 4 different products. I got a small amount of page visits on each, like 3k total between the lot of them. No signups, no income.

    So for 2022, I plan to create and launch at least 6 products and reach at least $1k MRR.

    The products will be a combination of SaaS and a course or two. I already have some good ideas lined up.
    The MMR goal is collective. So between any and all the products I have/will build, $1K MRR.

    And while doing this all, I'll be sharing my journey, building in public. Follow here: https://twitter.com/nickfrosty

    1. 2

      Best of Luck, Nick
      By the end of '22 you will reach goal.

  19. 2
    1. Learn to backflip on a snowboard.
    2. Achieve a 60s handstand with proper form.
    3. Make revenue or get seed funded for my app, I have ~6 months left of savings before i'm broke.
    4. Reach 500 followers on my twitter https://twitter.com/ciaruraran ^^
  20. 2
    1. Stop Drinking
    2. Save a little bit more money (getting very close to my savings goal)
    3. Move back to Washington State (I miss it a lot!)
    4. Finish Degree or change my major all together
    5. Actually finish a project in a sea of abandoned projects
  21. 2
    • Take what I learn from running SheetUI and launch a new one
    • Engage more frequently with the community at large
    • Dig deep into a non-tech domain and figure out how to modernize it
  22. 2

    -Mastering design with bubble.io
    -Launching my first Saas (should be ready in the next fifteen days)
    -Creating written, audio, and video content around No code and a few other topics of interest to me
    -Solving a few latent health issues
    -Growing my Twitter account too. https://twitter.com/ViceCaz by the way :-)
    -Adding to my cryptocurrencies' portfolio
    -Time permitted, dabbling in web3/NFTs

  23. 2

    Reach $5k in sales on a future UI kit/Website template selling business!!

  24. 2

    I have three goals:

  25. 2

    Two things only for me.

    1. Be the type of person that executes consistently on my side project.
    2. Be the type of person that executes consistently on my weight loss.

    I really liked Nir Eyal's ideas around goals in this IH episode:

    I found his idea around framing goals in relation to your future self vs. attaining specific things to be fascinating. Made sense to me so I'm giving that a try.

    1. 1

      Yeah, the consistency is the big thing. I found it easier though to stick to my side project than to my weight loss plans :)

      1. 1

        Haha yea losing weight (and keeping it off) is so hard!

    2. 1

      heres a video i found helpful for sticking to goals


      1. 1

        Thanks for sharing! I like Nir’s idea that “by aligning our behaviors to our identity, we make choices based on who we believe we are.”

  26. 2

    I can relate. Here's mine:

    Advance Happy New Year!

  27. 2

    For me, everything starts with consistency, so my resolution is to simply do something that helps my customers - anything - however small, every single day.
    Could be working on a feature, customer support, interviews, or mindful research/analysis.

  28. 2

    I didn't had any resolutions in 2021.
    I felt things are overwhelming.
    I just build good habits and get things done I'm suppose to

    1. 1

      Good approach. Good habits bring us closer to our goals

  29. 2

    Build 2x more stuff than I did in 2021 🚀

    1. 1

      is your game available on its own.
      i think i saw you on a facebook group

  30. 2
    1. create my website
    2. grow my twitter followers
    3. start writing more
    4. study more
  31. 2

    Awesome! Mine are:
    -Delegate until I'm spending 80% of my time creating content + interacting with audience (currently doing the opposite)
    -Grow vegetables
    -Grow youtube to 60K subs https://www.youtube.com/EricAndrews1

  32. 2

    I will invest my time to get rid of or handle better the barriers I may face as I go along exploring my potential. Started with the language barrier already why wait for a new year ; ). Another one would be the fear of failure barrier that prevents me from aiming big.

    1. 1

      @IndieSniper, What I think, you can not get rid of the barriers but yeah you can handle it in a better way. And the fear of failure is a good thing, as long as it is motivating you to keep checking the missing opportunity, but if it is preventing you to start then you should work on it.

  33. 4

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

  34. 3

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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