What are your tips for retaining important information from books, podcasts, e.t.c?

Hey everyone,

I've been reading a lot of books, listening to podcasts, and consuming various types of content lately. In the past, I've struggled to retain what I learned. I'm sure many of you can relate! Recently, I built Mind Mantle to help with this issue, and it has made a significant difference for me. But I'm genuinely curious about how others solve this problem.

I'd love to hear your thoughts. How do you personally retain what you learn from different sources? Do you have any specific strategies or techniques that you find particularly helpful?

Let's discuss in the comments below!

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    Hi, George.

    I retain what I learnt by only learning what I NEED to learn.

    I know this sounds weird but I've realised that many people (including me) spend a lot of time consuming what we don't need.

    Some times, we consume just for the sake of it and other times, we consume as a way of procrastinating.

    So, to solve the issue of retention, I just watch, read, or listen to what I need...

    A piece of content that solves the problem I'm facing at that moment.

    When I do this, I retain information automatically because I get to apply the information IMMEDIATELY.

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    Anki. It uses a SRS algorithm which is scientifically proven to be a quick way to learn. In fact I used it for an exam a couple of weeks ago and memorised 135 answers (some of which had up to 6 bullet points) in 2 days (probably a max 4 hours of studying).

    Maybe you could add this to your product. It’d work perfect. That could perhaps be the pro version and the free version could remain just random instead of SRS. You could add the benefits of SRS to marketing and show differences in learning speeds etc.

    I would 100% use this product as Anki is a little clunky and being able to just select anything quickly from the web on my phone or desktop and add it to my list would be great. It’d be nice if every morning I got given 5 cards to review. Or even 1 card to unlock my phone.

    1. 1

      Awesome feedback. Will certainly consider this. Thanks so much!

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