What confuses you about web3?


I believe that a common problem people face about web3 is the perceived steep learning curve.

What has confused you about web3 so far? What is stopping you from working on more web3 projects?

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    I view web3 as utter nonsense invented by crypto folks to hype up worthless coins and get more money piling into their pyramid scheme. I am confused about what problem it actually solves.

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      Well, the way I look at it is like this. With exponential growth in technology, the cost of producing goods and services will become much cheaper, and compounded by automation, the number of people it will take to create things will be reduced, which means the idea of physical centralized institutions will become less of a thing.

      It won't cease to exist because there's obviously some need for this, but by and large, I think the nature of work and earning money will fundamentally change. Instead of centralized office jobs, it'll be decentralized and laterally networked where most companies will be reduced to small teams of individuals. Then, floating in between will be the more independently entrepreneurial people who do things like podcasts or video games, or just trading or something that hasn't even been invented. This will be a sort of creator economy of sorts where much of our value will be created through independent collaboration.

      But in order for this to happen, we need web3 technology to evolve and become stronger. So things like decentralization and crypto-currency mean trustless systems that can be owned by users, which is important when you consider an economy that's more independently networked. Enhanced AR/VR can make collaborating easier, and AI can make it easier to work independently, especially when you consider radical notions like "cyber-eye", which I believe is being developed in Japan right now. Cyber-eye is this idea of creating an AI copy of yourself to basically be your own assistant, so you can do a lot more with fewer people, driving higher levels of independence and nuanced creativity.

      I think this is also why we're seeing governments become more authoritarian because people running countries are also human and when you see such explosive growth in technology that radically undermines everything we know about society and how to govern ourselves, it scares the living shit out of everyone, including elites, so what you're seeing is likely the result of leaders trying to control this growth and realize a system that is safe and doesn't undermine their own authority and wealth.

      That's at least how I see web3 fitting into everything else. Not sure if that makes sense.

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        Blockchain is the easiest way to send money to people. Even with a pretty good bank it's a lengthy process, and gets way worse if you need to send money across borders.

        With Bitcoin, Ethereum, Solana, and others all I need is their wallet address, type in the amount, and hit send

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    I'm confused that are still software engineers that think blockchain technology is useful for anything other than setting up ponzi schemes and scamming people.

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    I think people think of web3 as its something like Crypto or Ether. As well there is no go-to place to learn what exactly a web3 is and what exactly the concept offers to a general community.

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