What did you launch in March?

Hey everyone,

Continuing the tradition, I would love to know what did you built this month?

After a lot of brainstorming, I was able to ship this idea I had for a long time.

I launched TheLesson.club, a club to teach curious people something new every month with .

What about you?

posted to Icon for group 12 Startups in 12 Months
12 Startups in 12 Months
on March 28, 2021
  1. 3

    Hey 👋 I've launched a database of SaaS startups that received funding in 2020.


    1,480 sales 📄
    $239 total 💸


    I was lucky to get 400 upvotes on Reddit. It mainly drove the traffic 👏

    1. 1

      That's impressive stats for a project launched in a month! Congrats.

  2. 3

    TinyFunction.com - Instant lambda function in the cloud :)

    1. 2

      I really like the demo on the homepage. Looks great!

    2. 2

      This looks awesome. How are you planning to charge for it?

      1. 1

        Thank you.

        Right now just working on it and TinyDatabase.com(not yet released), don't have any plans about charging. Also I don't want to charge hobby and learners (maybe I will put an ad there).

  3. 3

    I launched my EU VAT validation service vatfy.com here, on ProductHunt and on HackerNews. Stoked about the results so far!

    1. 2

      Looks great. All the best with it!

    2. 2

      Interesting idea. Never would have thought of something like it. But I guess those are the problems one sometimes stumbles over..

  4. 2

    Me and 2 of my friends have launched a waitlist for our new productivity app combining goals with to-dos and calendar to help you get things back under control in a modern fast-paced world.

    It brings together your goals, tasks and meetings - all in one physical timeline, making sure you've got a slot reserved for everything important.

    Get more things done and control your time like a pro with slot.so! 🖤

    1. 2

      Landing page seems to be inspired from Apple, eh :) All the best with Slot!

  5. 2

    I've just "launched" the private beta for my iOS app, Logger. It makes it incredibly easy to track/journal anything. Movies you watch, investment opportunities, what you eat, etc. You pick the fields/schema and input methods. No mantra about how what/how you should be tracking, it's completely personal to you. This feature is not available yet, but you'll be able to very easily export to CSV.

    If you're interested in learning more about why I built it, or joining the beta, take a look at this.

  6. 2

    This month I launched a page that lists information from Google Trends. Among the objectives are:

    • to gather data for producing reports in the future
    • to have posts about the most popular topics
    • to inform our members and guests about what's hot and what's going down!
    • to give people one more reason to visit boostlane.com regularly

    Here it is: https://boostlane.com/topicswatcher/

  7. 2

    I launched a new version of https://emoji.gg that includes user-curated packs and many more new features.

  8. 2

    Hey Vaibhav! Congrats on launching TheLesson.club. As a forever student I am always curious about new things. Will check out your site. This month I started my entrepreneur journey and released Launch Disco. An online service for unlimited app designs, user stories, and landing pages. launchdisco.com

    1. 1

      Congratulations on launching, Launch Disco. All the best on your journey!

  9. 2

    Just launched (literally just now) https://www.funded.to/. 250 startup leads in your inbox every monday.

    Created a discount code just for indie hackers to get 50% off the first month. Use code "INDIEHACK"

  10. 2

    Launched designwiz.co which is a design service + frot-end webflow development.

    I also launched a free side project, designdoodles.co which is basically 300 vectorized doodles.

    Some amazing work from others aswell i see :)

  11. 2

    I launched, albeit very quietly as it is still in a beta, my game http://botwars.io

    Only a few users so far, however had some good feedback so far.

    To be honest its more of a hobby than something I expect will generate revenue, however it’s an interesting challenge, and I’m enjoying it so far.

  12. 2

    cardybot.com finally launched digital cards today after being physical only for the past year!

  13. 2

    I launched Howitzer - the first direct marketing tool for Reddit, made for Entrepreneurs, Startups and Indie Hackers!

    Reached over $200 in sales, just for the first 3 days!
    Currently working on implementing 'Free Trial' and preparing for mass marketing!

    1. 1

      That's so cool! Congrats on launch.

  14. 2

    We added a free tier for https://asyncgo.com, a collaboration tool for remote work to help you avoid meetings/chat interruptions, and to help make it more clear what discussion are happening.

  15. 2

    @vd - lesson club seems interesting! I'm all for building projects to get ideas out of our system haha.

    I shipped "a database of insights" from IH podcast notes. Also an idea I had for more than a year. It's mostly an experiment to test my assumptions around what is useful to people. Was fun to get some positive comments from the podcast guests.

    1. 1

      Your database seems to be filled with lot of good insights!

      Congrats on launching! Looking forward to it.

  16. 2

    🦸‍♂️ https://superbuild.io
    Super Bootcamp to launch your online business with no code

    Super Newsletter to learn how to rebuild Product Hunt’s most successful products with No-code

  17. 2

    I launched snoozemaker.com for iOS... sleep and mindfulness, made easy with a virtual guide (using AI technology).

  18. 2

    I launched https://place.dog - to bring puppies to placeholder images 😁 There is no way to monetise this but that's sort of what I enjoyed - no pressure.

  19. 2

    I launched makers-db.com , a search engine to find online makers. It has makers products, twitter stats and topics they talk about in twitter (programming, ML/AI, crypto, ecommerce, #buildinpublic, no code...)

  20. 2

    I made a relatively big improvement on SaaSHub's backend engine. It tracks all products mentions (homepage URL) on Reddit and Hacker News. That happens almost in realtime, and gives SaaSHub an edge compared to its competitors. For example, I know which are the most trending/popular products based on the number of their mentions. What is more interesting is the mention of products in the same context. Usually, that is a very good indicator that they are either similar or alternatives to one another.

  21. 2

    After over one year of development, I have decided to launch https://found.dev. For now, it is only open for developers and companies after request.

    1. 2

      Very nice choice of domain name. Congrats on launch!

  22. 2

    I decided to offer my book Efficient Developer in Early Access and extracted one of the chapters into a separate ebook Modern Introduction to the Linux Command Line. I happy to have finally something online with the "buy" button :)

  23. 2

    Argh I've got two days to launch it but that's still the aim!

    Launching a new blog and reducing the size of the web app I've built by 6 pages so it will be a tidy 4 pages after.

    1. 1

      Don't rush it if you don't seem to have an idea. I had the same problem and only got the idea last week. Taking care of existing products is always a good choice!

  24. 2

    Finally launched Adflow.ai in public beta with my buddy @signorettif. The platform helps you to create high conversion ads in seconds using AI. It is still completely free at the moment.

    We also went for a creative marketing stunt on ProductHunt, which crossed 100 upvotes on launch day and gave us some initial traction 🚀.

  25. 2

    📷 Launched SVG Color Matrix Mixer a small free web app that helps you generate nice looking photo filters.

    My Doka Image Editor customers can use it to create their own photo filters.

    It was also an experiment to try out Netlify, was very curious about that service and this was an opportunity to give it a test run. Very impressed.

    1. 1

      Side project for the main project, right? That's awesome.

      Did Netlify perform par your expectations?

      1. 2

        It works amazingly well, going to switch everything over.

    2. 1

      Amazing! Love this. I would make the "add filter" button more prominent and/or above the matrix, because at first I thought I had to manually calculate my own matrix. Keen to hear how this "side project marketing" works out for Doka!

      1. 1

        Thanks! And thanks for the suggestions :)

  26. 2

    Congrats on your launch this month! I just launched https://indienocoders.com, a monthly newsletter about stories of no-code founders that took their startup from project to profit.

  27. 1

    Launched a few days ago a financial newsletter with recommendations from Wall Street analysts --> https://stocksnacks.co/

    1. 1

      Congratulations on launching! Do you also provide the link to the actual recommendations?

  28. 1

    I took a proof-of-concept into an MVP.

    https://www.theslate.co/ helps teams understand their micro-services better. It groups SLIs, SLOs, and SLAs with the business value of a particular service, along side architectural decisions.

    1. 1

      This seems very niche-ed product. Is it based on one of your personal problems?

      1. 2

        From many years experience in lots of different organisations.

        I've seen this as a common pattern; Service A (that people interact with) relies on Service B and C. Service B & C constantly fail, but Service A gets a bad rap with their users. The teams responsible for B & C don't know about the impact they are having on Service A.

        Equally, Architects make decisions regarding services that aren't properly communicated or understand what the impact will be on each team.

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    1. 1

      I tried subscribing to lesserui but there's no response? Not sure if i was subscribed or not. Also, I am still learning about PurgeCSS 😅. So Meta, right?

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        This comment was deleted 2 years ago.

        1. 1

          Oh, great. I am definitely going to analyse with Lighthouse as I work on the actual webapp. Thanks for the suggestion!

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