What do you plan to build in 2022?

I have plans to build the “Cloud Print Server”.

I’m curious to know what are you planning to build next year in 2022?

posted to Icon for group Goal Setters
Goal Setters
on December 28, 2021
  1. 5

    Continue building newclick.io and double revenue!

    Good luck in 2022!

    1. 3

      Your product made me realise once again, the sheer size of the market for marketing/product people. As a Software Engineer it's often very easy to forget that not everyone can just write the software they need from scratch.

  2. 5

    I'll focus on https://heyform.net and bring more new features & enhancements to it.

    Wish we all have a different 2022.

    1. 1

      Hey, I really like heyform. What specific things did you do to get early customers? Would really appreciate if you could share some information.

      1. 1

        Hello @thebigk, thank you for liking HeyForm.

        Our early customers are actually ourselves at first, we built HeyForm to solve our own problems during COVID-19 lockdown days, and then we provided the services to some of our friends and partners, they encouraged us to make it public and offer service to customers throughout the world.

        And, we submit HeyForm to ProductHunt, got #4 product of the day (we have no experience with it before), we got hundreds of new signups from it.

        Nowadays we get customers mainly from Linkedin and Github, I feel we are still slow at growth, should you have any better suggestions, don't hesitate to share with me!

        1. 1

          I'd suggest working on SEO. It takes time to get results; but once the organic traffic kicks in - you'll be doing sales on auto-pilot.

    2. 1

      Hey @dearroy ! Just wanted to say that your website looks awesome! Did you use a template or did you Bild everything by yourself ?


      1. 2

        Thank you Jorim!

        We used a template at the beginning, and we eventually redesigned the website as the business grow. I wouldn't recommend building everything from scratch at an early stage, it's a waste of time.

    3. 1

      Well :) we are building a really similar form maker tool, the name will be upform on domain upform.com

      1. 1

        Nice name! How far are you from releasing it? Couldn't wait to see your work!

        1. 1

          Thanks, around 60 days from release

    4. 1

      Your website looks interesting - I will have a look for sure!

  3. 3

    I’m building an Open Source Command Palette for the web so that you can enable your users to quickly navigate and interact with your web app or site only using their keyboard.

    I’ve previously built similar things for clients but with a more limited scope.

    It’s called Hotlight and so far there’s only a GitHub repo: https://github.com/begreet/hotlight and here’s a thread for anyone who’s curious to follow https://twitter.com/arnklint/status/1476676700427718665?s=21

    1. 1

      This is definitely resonating with me. Most of the tools for developers have some sort of a searchable entry point to all of the commands available in a particular context and it's a huge convenience in most of the cases. One of the most recent things that inspired me on that front was take from Rauno Freiberg for Ultra.tf: https://uiw.tf/cmdk

      1. 1

        Interesting way to look at it, thanks for the link Ivan!

        There are so many potential features or ways to use a command palette. Like contextual commands for instance.

        If anyone here needs something like this, I’d gladly help you set something up as soon as the docs are in place! Dms are open :)

  4. 3

    I'm going to build tools for thought!

    I want to help people capture everything they find interesting, and give them ways to make sense of it all in a structured way.

    Along with that, I'll share everything I learn with my paid subscribers: https://newsletter.dsebastien.net/members

  5. 3

    Building https://pkg.land (beta) 📦 for developers!

    It suggests a list of similar npm packages based on what you search. Example: if you search “moment”, https://pkg.land/package/moment will suggest “dayjs”, “date-fns” and more…

    1. 1

      Super cool idea! I'll have to check this out.

    2. 1

      how can this website can make money ?

      1. 1

        Thanks for the feedback but I’m not thinking about monetisation at the moment. The technical problem is a fairly great one and I want to dedicate my mind/energy on solving that first ⚡️

  6. 2

    Hoping to launch somecourse.io by next month or February. 🤞

    1. 2

      Hey, this looks cool.

      A. I know someone who is looking for a tool like yours.
      B. I clicked community, it takes me to the Facebook group. I can help you set up a community like communitycoldcoffee.com on your custom domain.
      C. Would like to chat and find some synergies of Habitate.io + Somecourse.io

      1. 1

        Hi Deepak

        A. I'd love to know more.
        B & C: Noted. I'll be reaching out to you soon. In development mode right now. :)

    2. 1

      Just signed up for your beta list. Interesting.

  7. 2

    I am going to build an app (using bubble.io) where I can share tools (like powertools and any other equipment for home renovation maintenance / gardening) with friends, neighbours and family.

  8. 2

    I am working on a prototype on a web app called "Shapi", that allows you to collaborate, review, comment and edit other live websites. Faced an issue collaborating with designers during product discussions and reviewing other websites Found out one app already doing this, but its a bit restrictive and pricey and decided to build a product myself. Suggestions are welcome

    1. 1

      Really interested in this. Can you please share more info regarding this please ?

  9. 2

    Working on the web application for Securify TFA: https://securify.developer-service.io/

    This will allow developers to signup for an account, create API keys and check usage.

    Still planning on the exact balance between limits for the free plan and paid plans, but that is after the current beta testing.

    1. 2

      I bumped into this problem quite a few times and it is not very easy to solve by yourself. Definitely see people being interested here

      1. 1

        Very true.

        Still researching other methods besides Telegram (and next Whatsapp).

        Small steps each time but steady progress.

        Don't want to rush a half-baked implementation.

  10. 2
    1. Paid/pro version of https://dailynewsound.com

    2. Looking to also try to integrate web3 features such NFT or work on avatar generation for authenticated users.

    3. or a different path after #1 which is to focus on marketing the app by citing the advantages and creating content

  11. 2

    Profitable - nothing planned honestly. A few open source projects in the pipeline though:

    1. Distributed full text search engine(similar to elasticsearch but requires a fraction of the resources and easier scalability). Kind of half way there at the moment, if all goes according to plan an alpha version should be out in 7-8 months.

    2. Open source raspberry pi(or any sbc really) based CNC router(technically it is built already and fully operational but I have a ton to document and cleaning up code from profanities in my moments of rage).

    3. Automated NOAA satellite tracking and image pulling with minimal configuration required for the user(plug in an rtl-sdr dongle, type in your coordinates in an yaml file and run the executable).

    4. Cheap open source hardware wallet. I have all the parts that are needed piled up already so it's a matter of sitting down and writing some code. If you have a 3D printer for enclosure, all the parts and materials add up to around 15 euros, microcontroller, display, pla/sla, a few push buttons.

    1. 1

      I would love to check out #3 and #4 on your list if you don't mind sharing them

      1. 1

        Number 3 would likely be ready over the weekend unless something comes up, so github.com/axegon/snoaap is where I'll put it. 4 might take a few weeks but would also likely pop up there.

        1. 1

          This comment was deleted a year ago.

            1. 1

              This comment was deleted a year ago.

              1. 1

                Who said anything about an sd card? Those are 4 unrelated projects, wallet has no sd card involved.

                1. 1

                  This comment was deleted a year ago.

  12. 2

    Right now I'm working through an idea that would help you recall details of the connections in your life. The kind of things mentioned in passing, but you can't seem to remember next time you meet.

    I'm still working through a niche and validating it, so it might not go anywhere.

    1. 1

      So like a CRM but for your personal life? Add the details about your friends and family, track important events, take notes?

  13. 2

    I'm hoping to start working on a website builder to rival Squarespace, Wix etc.

    Before doing so, I'm trying to validate some assumptions with a smaller project called https://wrap.so/.

    1. 1

      https://wrap.so is sleek!

      Wanted to try it out but didn't want to submit my credit card info, as I'm likely to forget to disable it at the end of the trial :)

      1. 2

        Hey! This is great context, thank you!

        I'm considering switching to a freemium model with watermarked captures to prevent this from happening. Just unsure which model will ultimately convert more.

  14. 1

    I'm building a training community for rock climbers at Cling. It's a unique sport full of people who are driven and community-minded.

    Excited to work on something I'm so passionate about!

    I'm currently trying to iterate fast on new feature ideas. I have some users, but can do way better.

    1. 1

      wow - this sounds so incredible to me because I used to climb too. Once, I had a dream to visit Cape Town to climb and do a vacation. All the very best to you!

      1. 1

        Thanks so much! I hope you get to climb again!

  15. 1

    Continue building https://producter.co and generate revenue 🚀🚀

  16. 1

    I’m currently building 100app.co.uk.. we launch this month! 100 is where Fans meet Entertainers (content creators) and pay for access to content via Subscription, Personalised Video requests, 1-1 video calls, tips

  17. 1

    I’m thinking about three projects, mostly to scratch my own itches:

    • transcription API client for iOS to provide a thin wrapper around using the system speech-to-text APIs on recordings as a free, ad-supported app.

    • templated email (and potentially other types of text) generator for mobile/tablet.

    • text analysis app to evaluate readability and other metrics of text from the clipboard on mobile.

    I have a more ambitious tools for thought idea, but I want to concentrate on shipping some side projects of manageable size.

  18. 1
    • http://maintrack.xyz: NFT marketplace for musicians. Landing ready soon.
    • A webapp to express yourself through images, videos, texts. I am building a prototype, very focused on the user experience.
    • freelancing
  19. 1

    I have no idea :'(

    All the skillz and no where to go

  20. 1

    I will just be focusing on launching my anonymous social news app: heartstring.app and I look forward scaling it out to an app and desktop version!

  21. 1

    Building a platform to allow users to see in-depth data on popular cryptocurrencies!

  22. 1

    maybe a forum discussion site, I don't know, there are many things I want to build 😅

  23. 1

    There are 3 things I plan on building:

    1. One more new game for my digital board game platform, Mobo Games (think Jackbox games that runs entirely on your phone's web browser). I made over $1K in sales in 2021, and I hope to grow on that with my 4th game, likely to be a co-op puzzle solving game.

    2. Complete and launch a web application that manages and encodes NFC tags. I just joined a small company that produces custom NFC tags as it's sole developer (part-time), and this will be the first major software that we plan to launch next year.

    3. Boxing training round timer app (iOS and Android). I started boxing training this year and I love it. This will be a fun small side project that I plan on launching at some point next year. I have ideas to start as a round timer (common for any boxing training workout) and then gradually add more features that guide users throw workouts and training to improve technique and stamina.

  24. 1
  25. 1

    I have a few ideas to build, but I am concerned that shifting focus on my original product will result in loss of dedication (sure its probably sunk cost thinking)

  26. 1

    Specific to building: I'll be very slowly building out a financial modelling app for every-day Aussies.

    Indie stuff in general? I will be focusing on:

  27. 1

    I am working on launching usermaven.com in January 2022. It will be the easiest product analytics tool with actionable insights for SaaS businesses.

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted a year ago.

  28. 1

    I want to continue working on www.entrepreneurlist.io which is a curated directory of inspiring entrepreneurs, courses and ebooks to learn from.

    1/ Grow database of entrepreneurs worth to follow
    2/ Add new courses and ebooks worth reading
    3/ Build new features
    4/ Increase brand awareness about project

    Good luck to all with your projects in 2022!

  29. 1

    I set my goal to build and launch 4 SaaS projects in 2022. First one has been in development for the last few weeks and will launch early January.

    My focus would be on B2B and my first SaaS will target Amazon sellers.

  30. 1

    I want to build a product (open-source + enterprise) which makes principled and rigorous statistical inference/machine learning within reach of more than just very few academics by using ideas from academia (Category Theory/Probabilistic Programming/Type Theory etc). It seems like so much value is lost by the required "art" of machine learning, not attempting to create a magic bullet just something which would improve productivity.

  31. 1

    Make more demos for the Sktch.io no-code builder! This year was great and got a lot of traction with PomoPlanner.app that was the first real proof of concept for Sktch.io!

    Any idea of what I should built next?

  32. 1

    Building tools for Real Estate agents to provide more value to clients.

  33. 1

    I'm experimenting with a quote site that focuses on speed and SEO. I want to build the best site for finding quotes and making it easy to share them on the web. I am curious to see how well the site can do on people just coming to it from search engines.


  34. 1

    I am gonna sell notion templates in 2022 and i will also create a marketplace for it.

  35. 1

    FINALLY finish a useful version of Eurotripr.com - a European travel planning and inspiration tool

  36. 1

    Working on yet another tool for email marketing 💌🤘

  37. 1

    The Wannabe Entrepreneur Empire

  38. 1

    I'm going to try to keep the "building" of Dynomantle to bug fixes and high priority UX improvements. My focus on 2022 is marketing.

    I know the product works well (I use it). I need to learn to communicate how it works better.

  39. 1

    Focusing on https://unblokd.com - nearly done with MVP, will start inviting people to test it out in Q1 with some luck.
    If you have a minute to do a quick review I'd really appreciate it!

    What's Cloud Print Server?

    1. 1

      Nice idea, excellent landing page. Good luck!

  40. 1

    Planning to build a few projects this year. Hopefully all in public and see how it goes 😀

    Currently working on https://lnkky.com

  41. 1

    Will Start my own saas

  42. 1

    Hey indie hackers 🖖,

    I plan to continue to build (and launch 🚀) my time-tracking software https://cronocloud.com for the upcoming year !

    Wish you the best for 2022 ! 🤞

  43. 1

    I'm working on https://www.formaloo.com/en/
    In 2022 I'll focus on marketing and also growing our team around the world in a sustainable way.

  44. 1

    Focusing on continuing to build more features for https://komonitor.com.

    Also going to be building a tech job board that promotes better hiring practices (disclosing salary ranges, interview loop length and content, etc.).

  45. 1

    My first three month project idea is ready. I really like to develop and market along the way instead of building and launching it in the end of third month.

    IDEA: I will be building an app for podcasters to take note easily.

    Wish me luck :)

  46. 1

    blurscreen.app is going to be my first product launch of 2022 🚀

    I plan on doing 12 startups in 12 months join me

  47. 1

    Shortly after the new year, I'm going to launch my first product for 2022. A custom YouTube url tool. It's simple and basically a micro SaaS.

    Then shifting my focus back to my new short url manager, other.link. Think bitly, linktree, and kit[.]co all wrapped into one. I am really excited for it.

    PS: there is currently no actual landing page setup for it, just a redirect...I know. I'm the worst...

    1. 1

      This comment was deleted a year ago.

      1. 1

        I don't think that is necessary at all. It's basically a url shortener. All it does is redirect users to actual YouTube. That would be like saying bitly's ytbe[.]to shortener is also subject to legal disputes

        1. 1

          This comment was deleted a year ago.

  48. 1

    I’m not sure about the specifics, but I’m making some tools for blockchain devs.

  49. 1

    Well, for starters, we have rebranded from Wicked Labs to https://apesoflondon.design/

    We are dropping some projects that are not scalable for two.

    For now we are updating wickedblocks.dev and refactoring the whole thing.

    Then we are working on a new project already.
    Is going to be a good year... if not, I am sure is going to be fun.

  50. 1

    Building an open source web scraper which I will also use for a few other projects of mine.

  51. 1

    Planning to build in public, starting from 2022!

    Not sure whether I should aim for 12 startups in 12 months or not. 1 month for one startup seems a lot less time for validating the business model.

    1. 1

      12 sounds really hard if you’re trying to get full products shipped. If they’re throwaway stuff to submit to PH, then it could work.

  52. 1

    I'm interested to know more about the "Cloud Print Server". Could you elaborate on that idea?

  53. 1

    I've committed to taking indie hacking more seriously, and my commitment is to actually launch something fairly quickly (~2 months or so) and then move on to a new idea if the previous one doesn't pick up any speed.

  54. 1

    I am thinking to learn Ruby on Rails and will work more on my Technology blog.

  55. 1

    IM building https://flashaicopy.com/ and scaling my digital agency

  56. 1

    Good luck with that! I've been working on a niche tool that will help creators repurpose their top performing content. I plan to dedicate my 100% efforts to this project in 2022.

    Do you have plan to work on the cloud print server full-time or on the side?

  57. 1

    This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

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