đź”® What do you think about my copy?


Let me introduce a little bit my situation:

Currently I am launching a project called identid.me, that project is completly in Spanish but I want to translate it into English.

Since I'm not a native English speaker, I would to know like you opinion about my texts.

I dont want them to be just English texts, but with copywriting in it.

This is what I have at the moment 👇

📍Stand out from the rest​
Welcome to the place where proffesionals who want to take on the world learn.
Come in, there's room for you too.

đź“ŤGet exclusive tips every
Tuesday at 11:30.
No straw, I promise.​

đź“ŤDo you want to learn more?
Then you have an appointment with me, every Tuesday at 11:30
in the newsletter.​

I have two type of target differentiated: one are people who are developing their personal brand, and the other one are people who are looking for a job and want to create a creative portfolio.

Both of them have the same main necessity: they want to be different from the rest and to stand out.

This texts that I just showed you are from identid.me's blog: university.identid.me.

The first one is at the beginning of the website and the other two are CTA with the objective of subscribe to the newsletter.

I hope you can give me a hand. I will be posting my translations with the title: đź”® What do you think about my copy?

Thank you for reading this far!!

posted to
on December 14, 2020
  1. 1

    I put my suggestions below. In the first two segments there were some misspelling or expressions that I've never found in English (like "straw" instead of "spam"). For the last one I put a suggestion on the copy you used.

    Hope it helps.

    đź“ŤStand out from the rest
    Welcome to the place where proffesionals who want to take on the world learn.
    Come in, there's room for you too.
    Stand out from the crowd
    Welcome to the place where the most ambitious professionals learn.
    Come in, there's room for you too.

    đź“ŤGet exclusive tips every
    Tuesday at 11:30.
    No straw, I promise.​
    Get exclusive tips every
    Tuesday at 11:30.
    No spam, I promise.​

    đź“ŤDo you want to learn more?
    Then you have an appointment with me, every Tuesday at 11:30
    in the newsletter.​

    In this one I don't find mistakes, but the initial question is generic: "more" of what?

    If you specify better the topic, readers will have better expectations for you newsletter.

  2. 1


    Totally get what you're wanting to do. The phrasing does come across as a translation rather than writing from a native speaker.

    Before I suggest any edits, can you provide some more guidance on what the "voice" of the site should be? Is it serious and somber? Playful and upbeat? Flippant and a bit sarcastic?

    Getting that sort of guidance will help with the nuance of the English translation.

    Hope that helps,

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