What do you think about my GPT-3 powered bot?

I was playing around with the Open AI's APIs and I decided to just create a chatbot that I can refer to when I am unable to access ChatGPT.

This is the link to the bot on vercel: https://my-chatbot-five.vercel.app/

It's a very simple interface with just an input field.

I found it exciting, especially given that ChatGPT sometimes isn't accessible where I live. And I also published an article on my Personal website that describes how the bot was created in very simple steps.

Let me know what you think about the bot.


  1. 2

    I have no access to chatGPT, at the begining I was kind confused because everything is black, maybe a small placeholder saying type here or something like that, beyond that is cool, helped me, everything is nice, I like it

    1. 1

      Alright @kira_23

      ChatGPT isn’t available in my country, so I use a VPN to access it but sometimes it still isn’t accessible even with that.

      However, I can use this bot with or without VPN, though the OpenAI API fails to respond sometimes, but it’s still usable.

      Thanks for your kind feedback. 🙇

  2. 1

    Great project! For an even more conversational experience you could try to fine tune GPT-3 to make it more chatty (much like I would assume OpenAi did). This would also allow you to retrain it on a specific set of data.

    I am actually trying to validate a project (FinetuneGPT) that would be a platform to do just that. Check it out if you are interested.

  3. 1

    I just hope you have rate limiting in place!

    Anyway, this is a very naive implementation of Chat GPT, but it works. Great job!

    The major problem is that you can't have long conversations in the chat because you'll soon hit the 4000 tokens limit.

    Another problem is that as you continue your conversation, the token usage just ramps up, and someone(you) will have to pay for that usage.

    1. 1

      Ohh yeah. I should probably shut it down soon.

      Meanwhile, thanks for the feedback.

      1. 1

        I'm not sure about the inaccessibility of it at where you live. Other than that, yes, it's not useful. Can't do that much. Can't write code in proper way, no history, sometimes it just don't answer questions.

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