What do you think of this marketing approach for this app?

I'm trying to market my app Tidby. This is one direction I'm testing out and curious what others who have actual results experience was.

My objective: To provide a minimal way to show a pain point, a time saving solution for it, and seal it with an emotional benefit.

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    It’s a great concept. My concern, like the other individual mentioned. What information is lost or not accurately translated from the AI conversion.

    Furthermore, news in itself is often times perceived as entertainment. Most people simply read the article headline, and the people that explore the full article genuinely have been captivated enough to read the article. Which leads me to this question.

    Do you like to only watch movie trailers? Because the element of exploring a captivating article has been reduced by AI.

    I know you have a “explore the article” button, but to me the original headline was an attention grabber, but the AI content bored me. You need to make the AI a bit more click baiting just like the article.

    Remember Ai is a robot with currently very little interpersonal emotions.

  2. 1

    I like the flow, the benefit story works well. A couple of suggestions to consider:

    • Not everyone may be spending 3:27 min on an article. Maybe focus on how much %time you cut down.
    • The question that immediately pops up is what is the information lost due to the compression of time? If we are quantifying the time benefit, I think it important to show how you are avoiding it minimizing it, or ensuring that the key points are covered.

    Hope that makes sense. Wish you the best.

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