What do you use for your landing page?


I'm working on a project, and I don't want to code my landing page. I think its something that takes me out of the flow of designing and writing. I'd much rather use a site builder like Carrd or Framer.

What I'd like is to be able to export the site and serve it from my Next.js backend, so I can integrate the auth and other stuff on the home page easily instead of doing a subdomain.

What do you use?

posted to
on February 15, 2024
  1. 3

    Um, just buy a Bootstrap 5 template and get it over with?

    Believe it or not, Bootstrap has come a long way since its early days.

    IMO it looks indistinguishable from Tailwind sites.

    I spun up my landing page in just a few hours with Bootstrap.

  2. 1

    I use https://bootswatch.com . It has 15 ready made templates.
    I choose one for my product (you can also customize it, starting out from the 15 templates).
    I copy -paste code snippets from the site to build my webpage.
    Then I host on Firebase.
    That's it!

    Good luck!

  3. 1

    Framer or webflow are good. I’m a product designer. I used webflow for emailemu.com

  4. 1

    Either make a static site to host on Github Pages or, oddly enough, a Shopify site use it so much for clients.

  5. 1

    Framer! Insane tool with many great templates to start with

  6. 1

    I've used Wix, but I am don't code that much myself, so Wix was a good option.

    I checked out Wordpress as well, that might something that you are looking for.

  7. 1

    I use Framer and Clickfunnels.

    Framer is cheaper and more flexible in the design.

    Clickfunnels is great for conversion and funnels.

    It depends what your goal and budget is.


  8. 1

    I built Sendasta on Carrd to act as my landing page/front-end, which I can download the HTML/CSS/JS to host it on Glitch for a NodeJS web app for admin dashboard side of things. Get best of both worlds, super fast and easy web design, then all the benefits of a backend.

  9. 1

    I built Focused on Me with Next.js, React, Bootstrap, html, css & it's deployed on Heroku. I built it from scratch so it was time-consuming but it's flexible and performant — I loved how it turned out.

  10. 1

    I understand your desire to avoid coding for your landing page and focus on design and writing. Using a site builder like Carrd or Framer can be a great way to achieve this, especially with the additional requirement of integrating it into your Next.js backend. Here's what you can do:

    Site Builder Options:

    1. Carrd:

    Pros: Simple and user-friendly interface, free plan for basic sites, mobile-responsive templates.
    Cons: Limited customization options, static content only, no built-in export functionality.
    2. Framer:

    Pros: More powerful and flexible than Carrd, allows for code-free animations and interactions, export as static HTML/CSS.
    Cons: Steeper learning curve, free plan has limited features, paid plans can be expensive.
    Exporting and Integrating with Next.js:


    Workaround: Use a browser extension or script to save the Carrd as HTML and then manually integrate it into your Next.js project.

    Export option: Framer offers the ability to export your site as static HTML and CSS files.
    Integration steps:
    Export your landing page from Framer.
    Create a Next.js page to house the landing page content.
    Import the exported HTML and CSS files into your Next.js page.
    Handle authentication and other functionalities within your Next.js backend.
    Other Options:

    Typedream: Similar to Framer, but with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Offers free plan and export functionality.
    [invalid URL removed]: Another drag-and-drop builder with a focus on design. Allows exporting as static HTML and integrates with various CMS platforms.

    1. 3

      This looks like an AI-generated comment.

  11. 1

    I used a NextJS template and deployed it on Vercel: https://github.com/web3templates/nextly-template

  12. 1

    I believe it's worth investing time in designing and coding your landing page. This is because it's the most important page on your website. Without it, customers wouldn't know what your product is. You can also use UI libraries like Shadcn UI and customize its colors to match your brand. Building your landing page using a site builder can be expensive, so investing 1-3 days to create it yourself can be a cost-effective option.

  13. 1

    I use statically rendered Next.JS on Render. Mainly because it's free :)

  14. 1

    WordPress: WordPress offers a variety of themes and plugins that can help you build custom landing pages easily. Plugins like Elementor or Beaver Builder provide drag-and-drop interfaces for creating landing pages without needing to know how to code.

    Wix: Wix is a user-friendly website builder that offers customizable templates and a drag-and-drop editor, making it easy to create landing pages quickly.

    Squarespace: Squarespace provides beautifully designed templates and an intuitive drag-and-drop editor for creating landing pages with ease.

  15. 1

    Our whole website is built on Shopify, since one of our co-founders had extensive experience with it in the past. Solid platform all around, even for non-ecommerce websites.

    This is our best performing landing page: https://essembi.com/pages/agile-software

    1. 1

      Not familiar with Shopify, last I tried it years ago, the DX was quite bad. But anyway, my app is going to be React, and I'd want the landing page on the same stack so I don't need to redirect users to another page or do iframes to have a seamless sign-up etc experiences

  16. 1

    There are some website builders that can export to HTML/CSS/JS, but that will only get you half way to a Next.js/SSR app. As the other commenter mentioned, Versoly editor looks good and can export, though I haven't tried it myself. I also saw Unicorn Platform mentioned here, which also claims to export to HTML. Another one is Ycode, which will export for a fee.

    I'm building an editor that will export directly to Vue/Nuxt.js, but that feature won't be ready for a while.

    Overall it's probably more efficient to go with whatever tool you plan to use long term - either go all in with a website builder/CMS, or start with a Next template.

  17. 1

    Can give Versoly a try it exports clean Tailwind.

    I would question why you don't just use a site builder instead of "wasting" time swapping it over. Site builders allow you to easily add blog, changelog etc and focus on shipping product + talking to customers.

  18. 0

    For our landing page, we employ a user-friendly interface, compelling visuals, and persuasive copy to captivate visitors. We prioritize seamless navigation and engaging content to drive conversions effectively.

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