What do you use to test your API endpoints? (rate limiting, API hit rates, ...etc)

Hey guys,

So I have an API that I'd like to test for performance. I want to play around with caching.
Do you have suggestions of a tool (preferably easy to install, which has a GUI) to simulate DOS attacks? And that can pool out nice stats?

I know you can do that with a script, but I am looking for a nice app that can do it for me.

Thanks a lot!

  1. 3

    I believe JMeter is quite a useful open source tool that can do this. Here is an article that explains its usage: https://www.guru99.com/jmeter-performance-testing.html

  2. 2

    I use Locust at work ( https://locust.io ), and it's great for locally run testing. You just a write a little script in Python (they provide a bunch of templates, so don't worry if you don't know Python), and you get a nice local server with counts, charts, graphs, logs, etc. and it's all free.

    1. 1

      Awesome Vance! Thanks for the tip :)

  3. 2

    It might not be exactly what you're looking for but I've used locust, artillery, and k6 in the past

    1. 1

      Ouuuh lots of new words. Thanks Thomas, will definitely check it out

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