What does IH think of my new Hero Section?

After a year of procrastination, I finally updated the header for Draftss.com

Planning to revamp more sections of the site.
What do you think of the hero section?

posted to Icon for group Growth
on February 27, 2024
  1. 6

    This is great work. I love your design choice and UI. Plus the dynamic flow on your social proof. Maybe one thing I'd suggest is that you update the copy a little. Try using a body copy text to describe what you means to "own a team on subscription."

    I mean, when I saw this, it wasn't immediately clear until I scrolled down to see your samples. You cannot afford to leave room for confusion from the get-go. But great work. I love it!

    1. 1

      Which section do you think on the website is the weakest?

    2. 1

      Thanks! Great feedback. Will definitely update the copy.

  2. 3

    Your website, and especially your hero section, needs to have a laser focus on your potential customer's outcome. I don't care how much time you've spent on other projects, or even my projects. What I am concerned about is what I will get from working with you.

    While your new HS is definitely more visually appealing, you're sacrificing those precious seconds you have to tell the person who has landed on your page why they should stick around.

    While I like the social proof of your client slider, on my S23 it's below the fold.

    Id start with an image that conveys a happy customer outcome, and a bold headline that makes a promise you can deliver on.

    Kudos to you for breaking out of the procrastination trap and making a change. Surely with enough iteration you'll find the right messaging. Good luck!

    1. 1

      100% Agree. Great Feedback.

      However, Since we are having traffic coming into the site from relevant high-intent keywords, visitors know what they are exploring. The only major reason I wanted to do a revamp was to make it visually appealing since our possible customers were viewing/comparing competitors with us which had more visually attractive sites.

      Will try and adapt the design so it focuses more on the outcome potential customers would get.

      Thanks :)

  3. 3

    Firstly, I love the look of this, it’s adventurous and way less boring than what the vast majority of other similar websites do.
    IMO the older design, in its simplicity, did a better job at communicating what it’s all about at a glance, so incorporating some of that could be helpful.
    I’d also make the main CTA button more obvious somehow.

    1. 1

      Thanks for the feedback. Getting the relevant changes done.

  4. 3

    I dig it! If I had to think of one thing — I felt myself reading the hero copy on the right and thinking “what kind of team?”. You might consider adding a descriptive word to paint a clearer picture though. “Own a product team on subscription”. Overall love it though, giving off movie poster vibes, and social proof logos a great touch.

    1. 2

      Thanks :)
      Great idea, will change it to Design team.

  5. 1

    Well done, Thanks for sharing :-)

  6. 1

    The artwork looks amazing! It really fits the narrative of your company and shows off the creativity.

    However, the hero section is too tall and it ends below the fold on my macbook (13 inch 2560x1600px) and it's making me feel overwhelmed and like it's so big I can't see it all at once. I'd also say that the testimonials and the bragbar should also be visible without scrolling.

    I am also not a big fan of splitting sections about what you do ("Graphic Design & Branding", "Motion graphics", "video editing", etc...). It makes my eyes jump left to right just to get the idea what your company is about. You are losing precious seconds to get your potential customer's attention.

    Lastly, I am not sure how good is to keep the text as a part of the image in terms of SEO.

    Hope this helps!

  7. 1

    The new hero section looks lively and fun, Amin! It’s got a lot of personality and the client logos are a nice touch for building trust.

    Just a thought - it might help to spell out the benefits a bit more for your visitors. Instead of "Own a Team on Subscription," maybe something like "Your Design Team, Ready Whenever You Are – No Long-Term Commitments."
    Also, your call to action could pop out more. You want that "Start Now" button to be the first thing someone’s eager to click after getting excited about your service.

    1. 1

      Thanks! Glad you liked it.
      Updated the headline a bit so that it conveys the service better.
      Working on changing the button.

  8. 1

    I'm a designer so I'll give a more design centric critique here :

    I think it looks way better and less generic that your original one

    The centering is good for drawing the user gaze to what's important but what happens if you add an item in your navbar ? You risk breaking your nice symmetry.

    The headline is less clear. It was better to name the jobs the team can do right there. I didn't even see that the jobs were named under.

    The AI illustration style makes me believe that the team will be AI bots. Is that the case or do you have a real team ?

    1. 1

      Yes, the navbar would definitely get tricky once it has more items. Atm there is no plan to add more items so it shouldn't be a problem.

      Have updated the headline :)

      Real Team. Will probably add that in the copy somewhere, so the visitors don't get confused.

  9. 1

    I would focus more on what the world looks like for the customer when subscribed to your service. The headline is about a scubscription, and the text what you get from the sbuscription is much smaller.

    The headline does not give away what the team does.

    1. 1

      Have updated the headline text now, so it conveys the service better.

      1. 1

        I like that one.

        In the lower part of the page where you cycle through the ulimited... design ... etc. This makes the content below it jump up and down on every cylce.

        1. 1

          Ohh! Thanks for letting me know. Getting it fixed :)

  10. 1

    Your new Hero Section is visually striking and effectively captures attention with its bold design and compelling content. Great job!

  11. 1

    Nice! The button kinda gets lost in all that noise. Maybe find a different placement to make it cleaner.
    How are you acquiring clients? I’m also doing a subscription service. Happy to chat if you want to exchange insights.

    1. 1

      Yes, revamping buttons across the entire site.
      Sure let's connect amin(at)draftss(.)com

  12. 1

    Wow, this is SO good! The image is eye-catching and really captures the essence of having a dedicated team at your fingertips. The copy is on point too, especially using "own" to highlight the ownership aspect.

  13. 1

    Great job @aminmemon! This looks sleek and modern. Can't wait to see the rest of the revamp Keep up the good work!

  14. 1

    Wow, great work buddy!

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