What don't you understand about smart contracts?

What are some of the things that you don't understand about smart contracts? Please comment and I will try my best to provide answers in the thread.

Also, do you know any resources where I can learn more on how to read smart contracts?

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    Why are they called "smart" contracts?

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      We had phones and then we got smart phones. The major difference is the ability to store, manipulate, transfer data in addition to just calling.

      Same way, we have system for creating "contracts" for anything. That system usually include a centralised organisation to build trust and manage it. Then we got it on blockchain and it eliminated the need for trust and allowed us to do many things like programming, verifying, transferring, etc contracts. Hence the smart keyword.

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    why is it so hard to inspect the status of a running smart contract?

    Like say the contract has some state data, maybe it has a "mapping(uint256 => address) private _owners;" variable.

    My understanding is that the data for this _owners hashtable is stored on the blockchain..

    But I don't know how to easily look at the value for _owners, like I can't find it on etherscan. Theoretically it should be possible to look at that?

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    Well, I started here on the Web3 forum recently. Somewhere, I found the link to this training (I'm about half-way through now). https://www.udemy.com/course/ethereum-and-solidity-the-complete-developers-guide/. If you are really interested in learning about Smart Contracts - I can highly recommend it!

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      Not really looking for smart contract tutorial. I am already learning it from freecodecamp and buildspace.

      I am looking to understand it more from product perspective.

      Thanks though :)

    2. 1

      Exciting course for solidity smart contract developers

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