What economic trends are most important to you?

The indie economy is a broad, fascinating topic on which to write.

From national policies and global trends to cultural phenomena and consumer behavior, there is no shortage of ideas. But what I'd love to know is what's most useful and interesting to you and your success. Your thoughts will help inform what I write about.

  • What economic trends — globally, nationally, or even locally — do you feel are most important to your success?

  • What entrepreneurs or thought leaders do you enjoy learning from?

  • What economic or consumer trends are important to you or your business?

  • What governmental policies concern or excite you?

  • What companies have a substantial impact on you or your market?

  • What other economic forces or trends do you want to hear more about?


posted to
on March 8, 2021
  1. 2

    We are seeing the impact of this at https://startpack.io: monthly business application in the U.S. are at all time highs

    • The creator economy is booming
    • It is easier than ever to launch an online business
    • Many don't realize that it is possible to launch a US company as a non-US resident 🚀
  2. 2

    Emerging countries accessing the web.

    With 45% of the world population yet to go online, emerging countries are a HUGE opportunity. People in emerging countries run businesses too, learn too, and want to find more efficient ways to do the annoying stuff.

    To capitalize on that trend, the immediate thought is "translation". But they are actually hundreds of millions of English-speakers in Asia, Africa, South America.

    The real game changer is country-based pricing: Emerging countries don't have the same purchasing power one might have in Western countries. But if you're selling digital goods, adapting your price to each country is an easy yet super valuable move.

    I'm obviously biased since I run a country-based price adaptation solution but I left my job and comfort to do it because I 300% believe it is the future.

  3. 2

    As a quite old hacker with a 'premium' game project ( Outer Space Shack ), the trend I am the most interesting in personally is the growing power purchase and age of the gamers community.

    Generally, the trend I am the most interested in is the development of independent work, and the replacement of classical company management structures by independent free-lancers and Uber-like platforms. I think it is not yet clear if this will become the new norm.

  4. 2

    The shift from ad supported apps and sites to paid/subscription based is interesting. Also related - but in the mid to long term - is how crypto facilitates this transition. A lot of change coming and I think it's for the better.

    On the other hand, inflation is worrying to me. We're overdoing it and we'll pay a hefty price for it.

  5. 2

    Some trends I'm watching (and building a business on):

    • Accepting the global workforce and remote work
    • More people accepting part-time work, side gigs, or freelancing as a career
    • The continued improvement of AI for complex tasks like writing and organizing content
    • The end of objective truth - the extremes get amplified regardless of truth (although this one scares me)
  6. 1

    I'd like to add that privacy and what users will increasingly be willing to pay for it is an area of interest to me.

  7. 1

    The most important trend I can think of is the adoption of Bitcoin. Nothing else comes close.

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