What happened after you increased your prices?

Did you get less people converting to paying users? Did your conversion rate increase/decrease?

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    We do normally do testing before increasing the pricing. What we normally do is create an A/B testing with different pricing pages and see if there is a change in signup. We use Google Optimize for this.

    In our recent experiment, we found that people were more likely to signup when the pricing is higher. So we did increase the price. We make decision only based on data.

    Hope this helps:)

    1. 1

      Are you happy with Google Optimize?
      If not, we can help you with PriceWell.
      Run experiments on segments of your market audience and optimize pricing and strategy based on data-driven results (similar to Google Optimize)

      Did you also get pricing Suggestions from Google Optimize?
      How that affected your conversion rate and your sales? Any insights you can share?

      1. 1

        Thank you @Kod for the reply.

        Yes, we are generally happy with Optimize. Pricing is just one of the test we run, so it is a good solution for us. Optimize is also free.

        We are based on Memberstack, so we just use it to build different pricing page. Some of the test showed that we have room to increase pricing. On the other hand, the PPP price testing we tried showed some interesting results.

  2. 1

    Conversions stayed the same and we got a 30% increase from the price increase.

    The market https://versoly.com/ is in crowded and we're already 1 of the most expensive builders so hard to raise it more.

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