What I learned from a startup incubator before I took a SaaS from $0 to life-changing exit

I lost two years on my first failed SaaS.

Years later I crossed $58k MRR, solo.

In between those periods I worked within a start-up incubator.

Here's what I learned:

  • There are plenty of really smart people who never make it as an entrepreneur.

  • Mindset is more often valuable here than brains.

  • There are plenty of less-than-bright people that crush it as entrepreneurs.

  • I promise you have what it takes, no matter how average you think you are.

  • We all start out as impostors, and we remain impostors as long as we push ourselves out of our comfort zone.

  • This should be viewed as a positive, as it is a huge motivator and growth driver.

  • We are all just figuring it out as we go.

  • Don't let others fool you into thinking they have all the answers.

  • There's no right or wrong way to run a startup; there's just what works and what doesn't.

  • What works to get traction in one startup is not necessarily going to work for another.

  • Take tactical advice only as inspiration, not as gospel.

  • Understanding your strengths and weaknesses is invaluable. Learn them and pay attention to them.

  • Just because someone else enjoys building in public or waking at 4 am doesn't mean you need to force yourself to do the same if it doesn't suit you.

  • In many cases, raising money doesn't make things any easier. Often it complicates things.

  • Make sure you're very clear on why you need to raise money, if you're considering it.

  • Within a startup, team dynamics are critical.

  • Likability and determination matter more to individual success more than skillset.

  • The more people involved in a startup, the less productive they each are.

  • On a team of 3, you can't slack off without it being noticed.

  • One person says, "I don't know how to do that," while another says, "I'll figure it out."
    Who would you rather work with? Who would you rather be?

  • Often the "best" engineers are the least effective in an early-stage start-up.

  • You want scrappy and good enough - not polished and ready for scale.

  • You don't have to work 20 hour days, 7 days a week to be successful.

  • Making smarter, faster decisions is better than working more hours.

  • People perform better when they're given ownership, especially in the early stages of a startup where they can have the biggest impact.

  • Simple ideas are often better than big ideas.

  • They're easier to execute, easier to explain, and take less time to take to market.

  • People spend a lot of time on things that don't matter.

  • Don't fall into the busywork trap. Focus on what will move the needle. Eliminate the rest.

  • If you know the right people, they can help you leap-frog years ahead of where you'd otherwise be.

  • Be helpful, be kind, and make friends.

  • Most startups fail, so chances are you'll have some failures too.

  • Now let's stop calling them failures, because they aren't. They're typically a prerequisite to success.

Keep. Going.

TL; DR: The secrets to making it as a SaaS founder:

  • The only thing you need is determination - not specific skills or smarts, you'll figure that stuff out as you go. This is a mindset game.
  • Be kind, be helpful, make friends.
  • Don't stop.

This post was originally sent to The SaaS Bootstrapper newsletter where I share everything I know about bootstrapping after a life-changing exit.

posted to Icon for group Startups
on July 27, 2023
  1. 3

    I'm sure every entrepreneur found a quote here that boosted their motivation and ignited their inner fire.
    We are all just figuring it out as we go - this made me feel that I'm on the right track.

    1. 1

      Thank you, and you are!

  2. 2

    A great piece of information.

    1. 2

      🙏🏻 Glad you got something out of it

  3. 1

    As the founder of AI2sql, a platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to transform natural language into SQL queries, I resonate deeply with these insights. Entrepreneurship is indeed a journey of tenacity, constant learning, and evolution. Our current $4K MRR might seem humble to some, but it symbolizes our persistent journey and the value we're providing to our customers. Entrepreneurship isn't merely about intellectual prowess, but the right mindset, grit, and the ability to adjust and adapt. It's about understanding your strengths and weaknesses and being willing to learn. We all start as impostors and remain so, as long as we continue to challenge our comfort zones. Keep pushing and keep growing!

  4. 1

    Calling 'failures' prerequisites to success really takes the fear off of starting a start up. Really great points through out 🙏

  5. 1

    We all start out as impostors, and we remain impostors as long as we push ourselves out of our comfort zone.
    This should be viewed as a positive, as it is a huge motivator and growth driver.


  6. 1

    Wow! total inspiration thank your for this post I needed it ;)

    1. 1

      This kind of comment makes my day. I'm so glad you found inspiration in it.

  7. 1

    🌟 Make this into an inspirational-determination-pays-off poster and sell it! :D Really well written 🚀

  8. 1

    Great nuggets of wisdom!

  9. 1

    Great points, thank you! In every failure is a seed of success.

    1. 1

      Thank you!
      And yes, it's true. I want to start a petition to stop calling them failures 🤣

  10. 1

    Thanks for sharing. Nice post

  11. 1

    Hey @Macmartine, Really liked your points. Would you act as a Mentor for a Saas Founder?

    1. 1

      Hey - thank you!

      I generally just do clarity calls.

  12. 1

    "Don't fall into the busywork trap. Focus on what will move the needle. Eliminate the rest."

    determination is not the TL;DR the above trumps that

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