What is the first thing on a website that catches a client's eye? πŸ‘€

Of course, the user interface (UI). A well-designed UI not only builds trust with users, but also showcases your brand's uniqueness and ensures a positive reception from your target audience.

While we often associate the technical side of websites and applications with programmers and the visual aspect with designers, there's another crucial player in the process - the front-end developer. πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»

And hiring a good one can be even more challenging than coming up with a startup idea.

At Upsilon, we have vast experience in recruiting and hiring front-end developers. Therefore, we’ve created a clear guide that takes just 15 minutes to read, explaining all the crucial points of the hiring process.


Follow the link to explore:

🟑 Reasons to hire a front-end development team
🟑 Differences in-house and dedicated front-end development team
🟑 Best practices of hiring front-end developers
🟑 and more!

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on November 14, 2023
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