What packages do people not know about?

What python packages do you use that most people don't know about?

A few of my favorites are:

  • Wagtail CMS (which runs on top of django) is one of the best content managements systems I've ever used, free or paid.
  • unsync for making asynchronous tasks much easier
  • Fast API A nice, slick way to create an API and its documentation.

Tell me yours!

posted to Icon for group Python
on July 14, 2020
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    • poetry - Dependency Management
    • black - Linter & Formatter
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      OMG! YES!!! Great packages!!!

  2. 1
    • https://github.com/pyppeteer/pyppeteer2 - Useful for doing web scraping in asynchronous way (using a Headless browser)

    • httpx for sending http requests in asynchronous way also

    • python-fire for creating CLI with one line of code, way more easier to use than Click or Agparse

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      I really like httpx as well. It's nice to be able to make a large number of requests and have not have to wait for each one to resolve before the next one starts.

      I'll have to check out the others! Thanks for sharing. I love getting recommendations from others.

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    I like the simplicity of ButterCMS. Clear documentations and an easy to use API.

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      Interesting. I'll have to check it out!

      The best CMSs I've used are Statamic and Wagtail, and I'd be curious to see how Butter compares.

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    I really like starlette (what fastapi is built on top of). To me its the perfect library because it does all the things I dont want to and does nothing I would want to do myself. Whereas in fastapi (which is awesome and I use a lot as well) I often need to override things which arent trivial to do (like the route wrapper)

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      NICE!!! I've been very interested in starlette, but I haven't had an opportunty to try it yet.

      Thanks for bringing it back to mind, as I have been thinking about trying out another web framework. Right now, I really like Django and love Pyramid. But I wanted to see what new things have appeared, and see how they may improve my development experience.

      Speaking of which, I also want to try building a website in Masonite. Gah! So many things to try!!!

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