What Real estate and prop tech newsletters are you all subscribed too?

Hi all! What newsletters are you all subscribed to in the field of realtech and proptech? Here 3 of my favorite weekend reads.

  1. Inman - https://www.inman.com/category/technology/
  2. HousingWIre - https://www.housingwire.com/category/fintech/real-estate-tech/
  3. Hooquest - https://hooquest.com/ (Not really a newsletter, but more of a directory)

If your a Indie Hacker with a newsletter in this space then PLEASE give yourself a shout out and post your link

posted to Icon for group Real Estate and Proptech
Real Estate and Proptech
on October 20, 2020
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    Thanks for sharing this @frederickjohnson . First time I've heard of hooquest.

    Geekestateblog ( https://geekestateblog.com/ ) is my favourite source of real estate tech info.

    I created an open list of real estate resources which I try to update every so often. Feel free to add to it if you wish:


    1. 2

      Thanks ! Just signed up.

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    Just adding my own newsletter here. Recently launched - https://theproptechfunnel.com/
    Its a curated newsletter of the best opportunities in proptech. Delivered to your inbox, every Monday

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