What’s your conversion rate on Gumroad?

What’s your conversion rate on Gumroad?

posted to Icon for group Gumroad
on June 15, 2021
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    I just launched my two products 1 month ago, but this is what I got so far:
    👉 roughly 7% for a fixed price product https://ibb.co/6DS7Jxx
    👉 46% for a pay what you want product https://ibb.co/nzdHZ3h

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    It’s 0% right now! I sell art prints and original paintings on Gumroad - https://gumroad.com/helinaik
    I don’t want to sell on Etsy because then I have to pay fees.

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    Essentially 0%. The real problem is having eyeballs at all, conversion can wait.

  4. 1

    8.9%. but this is skewed by off gumroad sales pages and free products.

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      Would you find value in a product that boosts this % for you?

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        I don't think you can.
        It's already boosted up by free products that convert well over 10%, and also by sales pages on other sites, where traffic to gumroad will most likely convert to a sale because the sale was "made" on the other page.

        And I have a wide range of products that don't lend themselves easily catchall boosts like testimonials, social proof, etc.

        In reality I'd like to see the conversion percentage go down...
        why? Because I want more traffic to my gumroad page. And over time I will convert people to paid through freebies, discounts, dollar products, or something that just sings to them, the value!

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