What sort of meetups do you want?

Hey there - Charlie here. Mod of this group and running indieldn.com... the largest London Indie Hackers community.

As lockdowns have eased, we're restarting in-person events again. The main format right now is IndieBeers, a monthly pub based meetup.

I'm keen to expand our horizons and host other formats though, so my question is, what other events would you like to attend? We'll try and make it happen!

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    I like the current format, maybe a weekend meet-up could be a good experiment? Although my weekends tend to be pretty busy so weekdays are better for me 😊

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    Looking forward to attending once I am back in London. IndieCoffees & IndieBeers perhaps? :)

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    Hi, I have been at my first IndieBeers event and it's been absolutely good !

    I don't mean another type of event and IndieBeers being mutually exclusive, so I am imagining the following types (at least):

    • a type of "Deep Dive IndieLnd Meetup" where startuppers/founders/makers which have already achieved whatever result can share info via something like an AMA. So people might be interested into asking John about the marketing strategies used to reach his achievement, or the business steps taken to make the project "sustainable"; that's be nice to do it while smashing some beers. I don't imagine such events being strictly technical, but related to the operational side of things. Of course, can be also shared implementation experiences, like scalability etc, but not only.

    • Topic focused meetups: I have spent some time sharing my experience about the needs to scale an infrastructure with another member of the community which might be need such info very soon (hi Che !), and maybe there can be other members will to learn/ask or living exactly the same situation, so this could be potentially very valuable. This can of course be done remotely, but as long as we manage to be outside, it might be nicer to meet in person.

    Just my 2 cents ...

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