What websites do you wish had API's?

One of the main reason a lot of us turn to scraping websites is a lack of API, or limitations around an existing API that prohibit our use case. Given that, what websites don't currently, but really should have an API. Also, what API's exist that should be made much better to support your use case?

posted to
on November 4, 2020
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    Goodreads - the API was build sometime around 2012 and they let it fall by the wayside. I built a site around it (https://nextnovelproject.com/) but it was probably more of a slog than it was worth.

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      Good call! Did you end up reverting to scraping it instead or are you still pushing on?

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        Ended up pushing on with it for the most part - Amazon/Goodreads are probably not the parties you want to piss off by scraping their content.

        That said, the project never really caught on so I haven’t really focused on it that much... 😔

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