What's the best way to record Zoom calls?

Hey fellow YouTube IH fam!

Does anyone have any advice for recording HIGH quality (720p or better) video calls?

Just realized I did a video call interview, recorded it and the output Zoom gave me was 640x360 25fps...yikes!

Played around with some of the settings, etc. but 640 @25fps is rough!

Maybe there's a better tool out there for my use case?

Thanks in advance,

  1. 2

    I have recorded using the default zoom option, it gives me 720P quality.

  2. 2

    I've heard most people use OBS. I've only done it for audio, but I've been happy with that output---I know they have video recording too. Have you given that one a shot?

    1. 2

      Thanks for the suggestion - I spoke to a handful of other folks on this and a lot of them suggested StreamYard. Looks like with StreamYard you can control ouput much better and it has the added benefit of adding some things like title sequences, questions etc. to the screen which can reduce post prod work. I'm going to give it a shot and report back!

      1. 2

        Ahh awesome, I'll give StreamYard a look too!

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