What's Twitter's edit button mean for developers?

Twitter will soon offer an edit button.

If you have an edit button, you can’t just download Tweets and assume they’ll stay up to date or not be changed.

I'm not a developer, but this would seem to be a big pain in the butt.

What's this mean for developers? Is there a business opportunity here?

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    No business opportunity here.

    Twitter will definitely version the tweets. So they will allow embedding a particular version of the tweet.

    That's it

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    Non-immutable tweets will definitely be a pain in the ass.

    Imagine the havoc it would wreak on any 3rd-party app that imports tweets.

    Users will start asking why there's a disparity between the imported version and the tweets themselves, when it is in fact their indecisive ass who edited their tweets on Twitter.

    If the Twitter API offers some sort of webhook for edit events, it might be a little helpful, but still not ideal.

    Best not to allow editing. Don't fix what ain't broken.

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      "Best not to allow editing. Don't fix what ain't broken."

      Agreed. I used to be a fan of the idea of the edit button. However, several articles and conversations on IH have changed my mind.

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    I didn't get the article also the use case of downloading tweets.

    But an edit history can solve the mystery. A little time frame for editing is another option. I bet they'll figure it out as I can come with two solutions on top of my head.

    About the opportunity, there is nothing obvious. If developers will use the official API, API will probably keep things stay up to date.

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    He said editing could be abused.

    Abusive in this sense seems to mean that people will monitor their tweets heavily and will make edits all the time. I don't think this is an issue, but it's odd Twitter does. I wonder if they can only handle a certain amount of edits and they are concerned that given their sheer size they are going to have to devote tons of resources to handling the influx of editing happening.

    Who knows, maybe theres a whole tweet editing industry that emerges that looks at peoples tweets and edits them. Don't ask me how much that cost is though.

    And she says an edit button is a bad idea. People who post threats could change their tweets to try to hide what they've done.

    I think this is already happening. People delete their tweets, but people then screenshot it and it doesn't just go away. Nothing on the internet can ever be deleted is a true phrase.

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      Good points. I'm sure it'll open up a whole new world of problems for Twitter that won't occur to them until after it's been changed.

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