What's your best copywriting tip?

I see so many IHers here lacking marketing/copywriting experience.

For those who are more knowledgeable on copywriting, what's your best copywriting tip for fellow IHers?

posted to Icon for group Copywriting
on March 9, 2022
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    My favourite tip.

    Copywriting is selling. Examine each line and ask:
    Would this help me sell if I met the customer in person?
    If not, remove it. If you don't know go out and sell to customers in person.

    This is the easiest way of getting rid of jargon. Imagine saying this to a real person:

    alt text

    PS — Shameless Plug for anyone wanting inspiration — Copywriting Examples

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      I know Twilio as "text message API," but they seem to have diversified (and complicated) their business since then. Maybe it's "API for the physical world."

  2. 4

    Brevity over verbosity. Always.

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    1. Tell stories
    2. Use powerful hooks that resonate with your ICP
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    Keep it clear and concise. People are busy; they won't reread sentences to understand the point you're trying to make.

    I use Grammarly every day for IH articles, SimpleTour, and my day job.

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    Clarity trumps persuasion.

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    Don't be afraid to show your personality - let your voice shine through to make your content more relatable and engaging

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    IHers do not specialize in simple copywriting. They have a lot of experience with advertising, but they can't just write a blueprint for a text. If you compare them to creaitor.ai, you can imagine the ideology as creators and promoters. Some people create content, and those who work with it further up the ladder. The promotion is in the area of revenues, company profits, and raising the level of qualifications of employees. This is no longer a copywriter's task but a higher-level specialization.

  8. 1
    1. Focus on BENEFITS over features. A list of features may sound impressive, but it won't get your prospects' hearts pounding, it won't make them feel like they need your product or service now

    2. Keep it clear, keep it simple, keep it snappy. Nice short sentences. Full stops/periods are your friends. You don't need a thesaurus to write good copy. Write like you're talking to X. ( X = your customer profile -- you should have a clear idea of what their worst fears are, their desires, and... what tone of voice they would most relate to.)

    3. Be decisive! -- I see too many sites with shifting CTA sections. Stick to ONE message, ONE goal. Hammer that message throughout the page/newsletter/email - then present your solution: your product/service.

    That was more than one tip, I do apologize. Can't help it :)

  9. 1

    Connecting your copy with your customers

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    Read "Advertising secrets of the written word" by Joseph Sugarman

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    Remove we, I, Us, our, me from any sales pitch, copy or messaging.

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    I'd say do your market research, and your copy should focus on the specific market you're trying to capture. Also, much depends on trial and error, so when you change a copy make sure you're looking at the trends to prove if your copy works as you intended. Otherwise, think of something different until it starts working :)

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    Focus on the reader and his or her needs, desires, etc, more than on your company or product.

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    Read Junior by Thomas Kemeny.

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    Pretty much the process that was taught to me in English classes as a kid. Start with some simple ideas, add to it over time, iterate and iterate again. Get someone to review it.

    Use tools like Grammarly to improve it.

    When it's mission critical, hire a copywriter.

  16. 1

    Good copy is clear and concise.
    Great copy is clear, concise, and curious. It makes you feel something.
    The best copy is irresistible. It's electric and hot to the touch.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

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