When the SAAS company founder gets sick with COVID...

I've been doing my best to avoid this plaque since March this year. Wore a mask, washed hands, used sanitizers and engaged in social distancing. All went pretty well until these Thanksgiving holidays and we visited the parents.
The parents told us that they had a mild cold and there is nothing to worry about. So we didn't check and stayed over for a night.

In the next two days, I had an outbreak of chills, took a test and couple of days later found out that I was COVID-19 positive.

It is scary. Given my unstable medical history, I am in the risk group. The recovery could be a challenge. Thanks to the support of my loved ones, I am able to remain home and take it day by day.

Two weeks later when I had my first outbreaks, I am still feeling under the weather and my condition is still remain to be considered stable.

My 3 years SaaS company conveythis.com just recently broke $10,000MRR and my newer SaaS company gglot.com is on the path to bring is $1,800 MRR. It's been hard to remove myself from the business that I enjoy and involved operationally.

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    Hope you recovered and can get back to what you were working on Alex!

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      Thank you for the kind words. I am back to running my SAAS full-time. Enjoying every moment!

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