When writing about your product do you write in your own feed or on the product's timeline?

I wrote the first article on my product but I can't see it anywhere. Also, the number of views is not available.
Is there a feed or group for product timelines?
What is the best strategy to tell about the product on IH and be noticed?

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    I hope you do product timeline. So far I have noticed a distinct lack of product pages on IH. Most are posting and direct hitting their own website. I have been trying to understand why. For me, the product timeline page is fantastic. Super easy to follow and easy to follow for. I have only read one comment that it requires a bit of information to complete and that was a bit tedious for the dev.

    love it if we had MyWatched dedicated for products on the profile page

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      Thanks for your response!
      Maybe this is the reason why people are avoiding a product timeline - because nobody knows where posts go? Are they visible in the main feed or not? If not, how people are supposed to know about new products they don't follow yet?

  2. 1

    I posted content related to my product in both ways.

    Recently tested the product's timeline with this post: https://www.indiehackers.com/product/yesramen/from-instant-noodles-to-michelin-stars-improving-products-with-feedback--NSophuEKvyeqhxISfNM

    I don't think I'll ever do that again. The post was basically invisible in spite of the early engagement it received...

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      To clarify: the reason for that early engagement is because I shared the post on Twitter.

      Not because anyone found it here...

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