Where and how would you find clients if you were to start again?

Hello freelancers,
What would you recommend for freelancers that are just starting out?

I would be especially interested in hearing about the unusual ways and places you have used and would use again.

Looking forward to your ideas
Thanks in advance

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    Consider what's your product and who might need it.

    For example, are you offering a video editing service? Then why not start looking at gaming communities and finding those who are active (or trying to get active) on YouTube.

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      Thank you for your recommendation. Do you have any go-to communities you personally use?

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    I have a free course on this here, but my biggest piece of advice is to market where it's not competitive.

    My close rate is above 90%, but mostly because I get clients almost exclusively through channels others aren't using.

    I don't use freelance sites like UpWork, I don't use ads, and I don't really blog.

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