Where do you get a basic design for your app?

Hello! I'm making a mobile app using react native. It will be a dog "Tamagotchi" slash fitness tracker. Though I'm struggling with the interface design. How can I make it look good without spending tons of money on a freelance designer? I don't need much, just to make it look natural.

posted to
on November 24, 2022
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    App design refers to how a mobile application looks and feels. This covers each and every visual and interactive component that affects how the app works. It is the most important concept of how to look at an app on mobile devices.
    -Using Figma for the interface
    -using UI framework

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    Don't be afraid to lean into design frameworks that are already available.

    I'm not sure what the equivalent is for RN, but for my Flutter app, I'm leaning heavily on Material Design. It just doesn't make sense for me to spend too much time trying to tweak the design of those things, and it's a much better use of my time to focus on building, marketing, and creative work.

    I can tweak the styling of the different components later down the road, assuming that the app gets some traction and branding becomes more important.

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    I think you should do some research on your competitors. Download their apps and check it out. Here is a website that offers screenshots of every single app: https://www.uxflow.ai/. You can take a chance to see if there is one so you don't have to download one.

    1. 1

      Nice! Thanks, this website really eases the work

  4. 1

    I'm not a pro, but this is the approach I would try:

    1. Use Figma to design the interface using other people template / component
    2. Choose a UI Framework, so you can re-use already developed components and use it as blocks and reproduce a little bit what you did in 1.
    3. (if needed). Hire a freelance frontend engineer to develop custom components for you based on your Figma design but using the UI Framework

    Hope this helps :)

    1. 1

      UI Framework does sound like a good idea. Totally forgot about them. Thanks!

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