Where Should I Market My Product?

I made a SaaS tool Named Localy But Not Getting too many users Please Suggest me where should i market My Product- https://localy.ai/

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    Launching on Product Hunt is a must for any software company, IMO.

    At Product Hunt, the community is full of SaaS enthusiasts and people are always hunting for new products there.

    The best part there is you get lot of support and appreciation from the community if you launch there. And it's totally free.

    Also, on the day of launch, if your product gets the most votes, they feature it in their newsletter, which is read by tens of thousands of business people and tech folks.

    So, I will highly recommend you post your software Localy on Product Hunt.

    We launched our friend's product Zixflow, a smart workflow management and automation tool, on Product Hunt today and already trending in #3, getting decent sign-ups from here: https://www.producthunt.com/posts/zixflow

    Take a look. Oh, and if you need any help with getting on Product Hunt, feel free to let me know. I am happy to be of some help.

    Best wishes for Localy.

    Keep Building Together.


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      How did You Get So Many Upvotes Can You Explain Please?

  2. 2

    Here's a couple of directories to use to find other places to share your startup;


    Both websites have places to post your startup. Good luck!

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      WhereToPromote creator here, I'm adding more directories and subreddits.

    2. 1

      we would like to add https://webdirectorycenter.com/ too.

      a list of AI directories.

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    The sites not working for me

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    • Who are your customers?
    • What problems do they have?
    • How can you create/add value for them?

    This is the foundation of any marketing plan.

    I could offer you dozens of channels, but that means absolutely nothing without the context you have from your own customers. Marketing is just a matter of communicating value where your customers are most likely to be.

    For example, if your audience is looking for a tool like yours on Google, then PPC and SEO are your best bet.

    I will add, there are a million and one "AI content writers", and they all make the same promises. I'd find a niche that you can own and build authority in if you want this to be successful.

  5. 1

    Looks nice.

    There are many AI content tools.

    What is your differentiator? What is different in your product and who should care about it?

    This is the main question that will help to determine how to get the right people to know about it.

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      It Offers 3 Features at the Cheapest Price Ever only $5
      Al Content Generation with 60+ Templates
      Al Image Generation
      Al VoiceOVER
      All these Features in just $5 While no other tool is offering these features in such a low price

      Here is Full Features in $5
      OpenAI Model: GPT 3.5 Turbo
      Words Included: 120,000
      Image Included: 250
      Minutes Included: 10
      AI Image: Yes
      Text to Speech: Yes
      Speech to Text: Yes
      Templates Access: Professional

      1. 1

        If it's the cheapest, I think your landing page copy should mention it, even in the main titles.

        But, being the ceapest, is a tricky differentiator. Because it leaves much fewer dollars for marketing with each sale.

        I would find a way to make it different but not cheaper, maybe something that has to do with localization as your name suggests.

        For example, tools that help local businesses create content for there marketing etc.

        This way you can charge a premium price for your specialized tools and your unit economics will allow you to spend more $$ to generate each sale.
        Selling your tool to local marketing agencies could be an interesting idea. Just a thought :)

        Good luck!!!

  6. 0

    Thanks for the information!

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