Where to find people who use AirTable and want to hire?

Hi hackers,

I developed an AirTable app for people to create populate a job board (like Greenhouse, Lever) from an AirTable base. Here's an example: https://www.hostedjobpage.com/icca-dubai

I've naturally built before finding target customers💪💪💪

Do y'all have any ideas on where I could find people who already use AirTable and want to create a job board?

I think my target audience would be startups that use AirTable, but I'm likely wrong.

Sincerely appreciate any input / insight!


posted to
on June 17, 2022
  1. 1

    Hey 👋 I use AirTable for project

    1. 1

      Hey rg_ceo,
      Would you like to use the product? If so, please let me know how I can contact you :))

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