Which copy is better?

Hi, I'm building Traid - a tool that manages the sponsorship process between Youtubers to sponsors.

Would love to get your feedback on the copy presented here.

Which copy is better?
  1. Left
  2. Right
posted to
on August 18, 2022
  1. 3

    I prefer the one on the right, I think it's clearer!

  2. 2

    I'd tweak the headline to be benefit-oriented instead.
    Something like: "Where Youtubers find Sponsors to increase their earnings"
    Subhead like: "No effort needed to find, email, and wait for the sponsor's answer. With Traid, you can find the perfect fit for your audience with no upfront cost. "
    CTA: "Find My YouTube Sponsor"

    Under the CTA, you can add: "65 content creators already found their sponsors" assuming you already have an X amount of customers.

  3. 2

    I found the one on the left to be easier to understand. Take it with a grain of salt though, maybe the wording on the right is clear enough for people who are Youtubers.

    Both looks good in term of visual and are easy to read!

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