Who wants to join me on indie hackers Clubhouse events?

I'd like to host regular talks on Clubhouse with indie hackers.

Who would like to join me as a speaker?

And what theme or topic could you talk about?

We can organize at a mutually beneficial time, for now defining good conversations to have is the focus.

posted to Icon for group Clubhouse
on February 12, 2021
  1. 1

    Ciao Rosie!

    it would be great, I am running a brand D2C in the sexual wellness sphere (yspot.co) and willing to share and get some thoughts about side hustle and business

    1. 1

      @RicIT21 Hi, hope you are well. Are you looking to hire anyone for your D2C business. Thank you.

  2. 1

    Hi, I would love to. Can anyone here drop me an invite?

  3. 1

    Hi Rosie,

    If possible I would like to participate as well. I think Clubhouse is awesome and it's going to change the way we learn and connect compared to social media.

    I'm a technical guys so I can talk about how to build a product from a tech side, the latest technologies available and best practices.

    As a topic maybe a good one (that I am currently faced with) is: What to follow when starting up with a new SaaS? Follow the money or follow the trend?

    I just followed you on Clubhouse to get notified when this happens. :)

  4. 1

    Hi Rosie,
    This is something I would be very interested in participating in.
    Something I've discussed a lot in the past is the multitude of odd business advice out there, which often leads people to becoming echo chambers for how to achieve success when they haven't actually done it.

    Another big one here at FlippedNormals has been how to grow a business relying on Wordpress with no coding experience.

  5. 1

    Hi Rosie,

    Thank you for inviting others to be part of a room on Clubhouse! I would be interested in joining you as a speaker. I would like to talk about how to go from ideation to MVP, storytelling for community building, and creating inclusive spaces of belonging. My username is @marierokjones

  6. 1

    Hey there, I’m in. I’m @delosreyes on Clubhouse! 🙏

  7. 1
    • success, what it is, and how to get it
    • SaaS business
    • Hiring, firing, culture, and team building
    • personal & spiritual growth
    • mindset
    • inner game of entrepreneurship and life

    @calvincorreli on Clubhouse

  8. 1

    Count me in @jayyoms

    • Side-hustling whilst working
    • Using no code tools
    • How to kickstart and validate an idea in 2 months
  9. 1

    I would definitely join. (Handle @folajimi_)

    I think for themes:

    • dos and donts for certain community verticals (e.g. learning communities, accountability communities, etc)
    • roast my product
    • office hours
    • idea generation
    • indie hacking in the crypto space
    • indie debates: SAAS vs Info products, should you build an audience vs Build a product, etc
  10. 1

    I’m down and I can send invites for folks to join. I’d love to love about the tech and bootstrapping. I’m @aeekay on Clubhouse

    1. 1

      I would love to be a part of the community over there, but I don't have an account on there yet, would you still have an invite available? :D

  11. 1

    I’m down to join. Would love to chat about remote-first companies, going remote and building a cloud native company.

  12. 1

    I'm in, can anyone send me invite pls?

  13. 1

    Sounds great @rosiesherry And I'd love an invite.

  14. 1

    love the idea! Need invite to join.

  15. 1

    Me no code , Africa makers etc @yoofiannan on CH

  16. 1

    Hi Rosie, I'd be up for this, I've really been enjoying CH and think it needs a more indie hackers focus! I can talk about listening to customers (aka interviewing customers), working on a side project, building in public, working at a startup, being a CTO/technical founder, and more.

  17. 1

    Love the idea. And I'd love an invite.

  18. 1

    I'm in! Landing pages + feedback!

  19. 1

    Hello. I am totally up for this. I am happy to talk about career and leadership development, as well as how to develop transferable skills. I am @gunterrichter on Clubhouse.

  20. 1

    Sure, I'd be happy to chat about my startup journey. I am @dsabar on there (as well as Twitter)

  21. 1

    I am! About virtual events, pivoting IRL events to online, community building. I'm @mirayab on Clubhouse.

  22. 1

    yes please make this happen =)

  23. 1

    Hello Rosie, I would be very interested to join. But I don’t have the Clubhouse invite. Have been waiting for it from one month. Would you be kind to share an invite ?
    Thanks :)

  24. 1

    I would be up for that! I am interested in XR (Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality) and co-host a podcast on the subject.

    I'm in Seattle (PST)

  25. 1

    Hi Rosie, I would like to join, although I also don’t have it yet. As far as topic goes, I am open to asking questions about my current startup and startups in general, I have an introvert way to success through a lot, a lot of work :)

  26. 1

    Sounds like an awesome idea.

  27. 1

    I would be up for it, assuming the time works. One topic that would be interesting is onboarding.

    I'm still new to Clubhouse. Is it speakers -> audience or more like a regular conference call( everyone speaks)?

    1. 2

      There are the moderators/hosts/speakers, then people who are invited up on stage.

      Speakers/moderators are pre-arranged, then people can raise their hands to come on stage to join the conversation, for questions/etc.

      Does that make sense?

  28. 1

    This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

  29. 1

    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 1

      You need iOS for Clubhouse atm, I can send you an invite if you have that.

      1. 1

        This comment was deleted a year ago.

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