Who's building or excited for audio products?

I've never really been a video person which makes me kind of excited about the audio trend that I see rising.

Yes, there's the exclusive ClubHouse, but there is more than that.

These days, wherever possible, I opt for audio meetings. It feels better for me.

The other week I had an audio chat with other indie hackers. It was fun, casual and just more casual. I'll put together another one soon.

For learning there are audio focused learning course tools appearing too. Audio Avocado by @colinkeeley and AvidFM by @brainfoodinator are two that I'm aware of.

Other tools I have on my list, but haven't looked into:

And of course, there is a continual rise in podcasts.

Are you excited for audio? Or are you building something in this space?

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    I'm super excited about audio products. Listening to podcasts literally changed my life and opened up a world of learning to me. It's awesome to see that so many people are now into listening to audio content.

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    I also realise that many video products can just have their video turned off to make it audio focused.

    I've also noted that Whereby have just released a Spotify integration, which can help make meeting up online have more of a listening/audio focus(?)

    Maybe some of this is about changing our habits and expectations.

  3. 1

    I find audio meetings way quicker to handle, and easier to hop on to. Thanks for the shout, Rosie!

    At AVID.fm we help creators share what they know and monetize it through audio courses. Because of the boom in the passion economy throughout the year, we're seeing more and more people turn to audio for learning and entertainment.

  4. 1

    Since we mostly sitting at home right now and there's no commuter use case the benefits of voice user experience have to be pretty unique

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      I like audio when going on walks, or on a treadmill.

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        you have a treadmill at home? Here in SF the gyms are only barely opening up (mine isn't yet)

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          We have a treadmill in our garage, also a rack for strength training. I ain't got no time to go to a gym, nor want to in this day and age. The second wave is here right now in the UK.

  5. 1

    I think voice may be a better name than audio. I'm pretty excited for voice input applications but voice control or voice navigation is still a bit flaky and so for that reason I like the idea of hybrid apps that are very heavy on voice content but still use a conventional UI for navigation for things like menus.
    It's a long speech input just like what I'm doing right now voice is such a fluid medium. But for more detailed control of applications it's a pain.

  6. 1

    We're enabling audio creators to build their knowledge business with AvocadoAudio.com now.

    The range of creators has been wild from wellness and business to erotica and spiritualism. Feels like we are just getting with the possibilities of audio.

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    This comment was deleted a year ago.

    1. 2

      Sorry to disappoint 😅

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