Why a ranked page disappeared from SERP?

For example, if Page A was ranked at top 5 by google for search keyword X, and some day, it is totally gone. However, another blog page B from the same site was picked by Google for the first page. Both page A and B are related to one topic. What could be the reason? How to bring page A back, or let google show both Page A and B?

posted to
on February 20, 2023
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    Without seeing the page or knowing anything about your website it's impossible to say what happened, however there are a few common reasons this could happen:

    • There has been a lot of volatility on Google search right now. There have been a series of algorithm updates that are shaking things up, which may explain this.
    • Depending on the age of the site, Google might be testing different pages to see which ones match the search intent behind the query, which could also explain this.
    • Page B might just be performing better. Google's job is to create the best experience possible, so if users stick around longer on Page B then Google will rank Page B.

    If you want one vs the other, you could always 301 redirect Page B to Page A, but before you do that (which may end up with Page A not ranking again), I'd take a step back to think about why Page B might serve the reader better, and where you could take readers who land on Page B deeper into your website.

    Content serves a purpose, whether it's a blog post, a pillar page, or a landing page. Think about how to leverage the traffic you get and maximize its impact and you will get more results out of it.

    Also I wouldn't worry about keyword cannibalization, Google is starting to indent alternate pages from a domain that target the same keyword, which IMO eliminates the concern of cannibalization. That said, don't overdo it with pages targeting the same keyword.

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      Much appreciated!
      the keyword is "sell gpu", and the landing page https://www.buysellram.com/sell-gpu-graphics-card/ was ranking top, but now Google choose the blog page https://www.buysellram.com/blog/10-best-places-to-sell-gpu-for-cash-for-the-most-returns/
      While the landing page disappeared for this keyword

      But for keyword "sell gpu online", I do see both pages, Google uses indent for one of the page.

      I think, to solve this, maybe slowly improve the landing page with new and more content.

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        No problem!

        So to me, this tells me that Google thinks the intent behind this keyword is better served by the content of the blog post than by the landing page. A quick Google search shows the search results to be fairly "confused":

        • There are lots of ads (telling me this is a commercial keyword)
        • There is a People Also Ask (telling me that there are lots of adjacent and follow up questions to this keyword)
        • There is a rich result for Reddit (telling me people ask lots of tangential questions to this, and Google thinks Reddit posts answer them well)

        You could add more content to the landing page... but then it'd be pretty similar to the blog post. I'd try optimizing the blog post to convert by choosing a CTA for it and placing it throughout the post. It seems your primary CTA is to "get a quote" so I'd start by placing that more often through the blog rather than just at the end (HubSpot's blog posts do a great job of this if you need an example).

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          Good idea. I think a good way is to convert the blog and lead it to another landing page for this keyword, and meanwhile still develop the original landing page for other keywords.

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    In the past tracking rankings was really easy because there wasn’t this kind of movement. Nowadays the rankings constantly move up and down. They do this to make it hard for you to track how you are performing which makes it harder to reverse engineer it’s algorithm.

    The second is they are constantly running tests. I suppose you just need to build a stronger page. More content, more internal links and finally more external links.

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      thanks. I was told this is keyword cannibalization. Google should let us decide which page to be selected. I still do not have a solution to restore the rank of Page A.

  3. 0

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