Why Clubhouse will fail

submitted this link to Icon for group Clubhouse
on March 20, 2021
  1. 7

    I guess his point is longwinded Twitter thread have terrible usability 😀

    1. 0

      I was about to say the same... Improper use of Twitter...

      1. 1

        People rave about clean design and distraction-free tools, yet they don't mind Twitter threads and the kind of bump-in-the-road reading they require. Go figure.

      2. 1

        Btw I have to say I was SUPER excited about it the first 48hrs. Now it's not on my phone...

  2. 4

    I deleted Clubhouse the moment I noticed the creepy phonebook auto-follow stuff. It's ridiculous people put up with this.

    1. 1

      What is it? I didn't see it

  3. 4

    That's a pretty funny thread -- a little bit overdone -- but funny.

    I can't use Clubhouse because I'm on Android. Plus, I have better things to do with my time than try to find a live discussion (in time) that may be interesting.

    Personally, I'm more of an on-demand watcher/listener than live. Almost never watch live tv, and only watch one YT live stream on a regular basis. Even with that live stream, sometimes I pause it for 30 minutes if something comes up, and then watch it slightly delayed.

    I may not be the right demo, but Clubhouse could just as easily win as fail. Never under-estimate a hungry founder.

    1. 2

      Agreed on multiple fronts.

      1. iOS only won't win. They have to open up or they're limiting themselves dramatically.
      2. "Live" streaming is great (twitch, as he mentions). But for loads of people, on-demand is just better. I have an infinite list of things to "Consume", and you have to be a whole lot better than "possibly" interesting live than to beat my list. Personally, I'll watch some previously streamed activities on 1.5-2.0x speed, because I just have too much to get through.
      1. 2

        +1 on the 1.5-2x playback speed. Do it all the time.

  4. 3

    I don't see a value in CH. On Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogs, YouTube - you have an archive that can be used at a later date. CH's value is instant only. As soon as someone said something, it is gone. CH sells the experience only. One dude's comment I've read was that there were so called "party hotlines" in the 80ies.

    Maybe CH's business model could be for celebrities. A famous person opens a channel and users would pay to access the channel to be able to listen and interact directly...
    Or politicians - something like an interactive discussion round table. But for that CH needs a proper admin tool to manage all the interaction requests.

  5. 3

    I know people who just use CH as white noise LOL

  6. 2

    I don't think it will fail, they will be acquired for sure. I just think what sucks about Clubhouse for me, is that every other room is a pseudo "im-trying-to-upsell-you-something". Almost like a linkedin-ish nightmare where recruiters spam developers

  7. 1

    ch... 🤦🏻‍♂️

  8. 1

    I obviously don't know what will happen in Clubhouse's future, though this thread smells a lot like the the standard objections to contrarian ideas, some of which become huge.
    eg. "People will never buy shoes online!" -> Zappos, then subsequently the rest of online retail

    Whatever happens in their future, props to them for pushing the boundaries, and doing something bold.

  9. 1

    They should have made clubhouse $X to join. The waiting list is a testament to that and even if they did fail - you would take the user base * $X and investors would be happy enough.

    They rely on a semi-professional group - FB can be anyone, Linkedin you need a career (min) but Clubhouse you sort of have to have at least an interest in something = willing to pay to access it (multiplied by hype).

    Also +1 on the terrible UI/UX - I remember when I first logged in it took me like 10 mins to figure shit out.

  10. 1

    Funny posts and unusual (maybe smart) use of twitter.
    And common technique to use a very popular topic to attract views and attention... which is probably what he needs. :)

  11. 1

    I think the biggest point of CH is that you can join conversations, other than that, I think it's more interesting to listen on demand podcasts.

  12. 1

    "Video is a bug, not a feature" 😂

  13. 1

    This was a great lead - he touches on a lot of the points we have all seen already.

    The majority of content on CH currently is self promoting BS, or just complete dumpster fire rooms.

    Its also very difficult to find what you are looking for.
    I think a lot of the initial growth was 'its a new platform' hype coupled with exclusivity.

    You had to be INVITED to get in. People want what they cannot have.

  14. 1

    With how many people do you like to talk to on the phone at the same time? 🤔 Exactly.. I totally don’t understand this idea. And even more of valuation at 1 billion dollars...

  15. 1

    I agree, interesting-ness is an issue. After a few days on CH, I've begun to notice the same topics over and over. Big, somewhat generic rooms with low chance of participation. And smaller, more valuable rooms lost in the noise. Tweaking the "explore" algorithm should solve this.

  16. 1

    I felt like I was reading those one sentence Facebook ad copy. I guess it's a thing to make long-winded driviel post that says nothing midway through. Anybody want to summarize what he said, if he said anything at all?

    1. 1

      TLDR: Clubhouse can't thrive for many of the same reasons that killed Blab.

  17. 1

    He is a smart guy, I am listening his & Sam Parr's podcast (My First Million) , bunch of good ideas and comments.

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