Why going with the "Familiar Approach" is not always the answer

In psychology, there is a Familiarity Bias. It talks about the “rule of thumb” you apply when making decisions or forming new beliefs or judgments.

We prefer to always go with the familiar approach because we (or our family) used to do things that way only.

Why do you need to know?

Well, Familiar Heuristic can make you miss out on higher returns, possible opportunities and can also make you remain stuck in your comfort zone which is not always a good case.

I have seen a lot of people being hesitant first about the whole No-code movement and later, they found out how easier it is to get started with it.

What do you think? Have you ever had a similar experience? 🤔

You can read more about it in this post published in my Psychology newsletter.

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on August 2, 2021
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