Why is my Landing page not converting?

I'm the founder of SnapLead, a tool designed to help businesses efficiently tag and manage leads on LinkedIn. Check it out here: SnapLead Landing Page.

Despite seeing traffic, my conversion rates aren't great. I would really value your feedback on a few points:

  • Design and User Experience: Does the layout make you want to engage?
  • Messaging: Is the purpose of the product immediately clear?
  • CTAs: Are the calls to action compelling?
  • Product Value: Can you see the value in this product for businesses?

Any insights you can provide would be hugely helpful!

posted to
Browser Extension Makers
on April 23, 2024
  1. 5
    • on mobile neither buttons do anything (CTA or menu button)
    • This is what I call tag @fstn11, doesn't connect with the page initial messaging until I stare at the screenshot.
    • you can delete this sentence and it just gets better "SnapLead, a Chrome extension, revolutionizes your approach to managing your LinkedIn networking."
    • idk what this means, I use LinkedIn to search, what do you do instead "or conduct searches to save profiles for future reference."
    • The page is kinda empty, there isn't a pricing section for example, I wouldn't try stuff that I might like without knowing how expensive it is first, not saying everyone is like that, but that's an easy objection
    • What do I do with the tags after? Can I see all X tagged on a different page? What else is this? Does this connect to my CRM of choice? Or do I need to always come back to the same exact search?..
    • A video of you using it would sell it better
    1. 2

      That's very helpful, thank you. I'm updating it now.

  2. 2

    your tool seems cool. but the landing page needs a retouch.

  3. 2

    The purpose of the product is not immediately clear from the headlines and subheadline.

  4. 1

    It's a bit short. You can apply clichés.

  5. 1

    Hi Stephen,

    1. It is not super clear on what it does and mostly why would I wanna use this product.
    2. The landing page doesn't have much for a visitor to see or do.
    3. Fonts and even image too small. There is plenty of space to make it easier for the user.

    So I would say try to show how would someone do the same without using your product and then show them how much easier, faster and organised it is if they use your product.
    Emphasise the problem, so they can emotionally relate to it.
    All in all, I would say try to incorporate videos or gifs of the product while using it. Try to speak the language of someone who might need this product. If that person is someone doing sales, imagine all the daily frustrations they go and try to write the copyright with that person in mind.

    Hope it helps. Good luck 🥳

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