Why is my landing page not converting?

I'm building https://invoicemod.com for small businesses who want invoices that are customized exactly for their brand.

I don't seem to be getting any conversions (ConvertKit signups).

I would love to know that issues you see with this.

  1. 3

    I'm a small business owner. I send invoices. I want branded invoices.

    I do not want unique invoices. It suggests that there is something special (like an embedded qr-code or something like that). I really don't want that.

    So, I think that "Craft invoices as unique as your brand" might not be a winning headline.

    1. 1

      Thank you! that's much needed insight! I've changed it to "Branded invoices, tailored for you".

      I'm curious, what does your invoicing workflow look like?

      1. 2

        Much better.

        A short python-script that gets triggered by cron or the signup-hook, emails out a link to the invoice (it's accessable through the user profile as well). I have a slack bot that can notify customers if they have told it to as well.

  2. 2

    I think the pricing is too high, I would expect something like this to be a one-time payment. I also don't think there is a real problem you are solving, putting a logo on the top left is usually enough branding for a small company. And big companies would have more advanced systems in place that integrate their branding.

    1. 1


      I'm willing to be there's invoicing software on Rockethub or AppSumo for $50 one-time payment.

  3. 1

    More choices lead to confusion, which delays or eliminates your users' decision-making ability. As a result, it leads to your landing page not converting.

  4. 1

    Hi Syed,

    Given that you get a decent amount of website visitors I will say the following:

    • Having some video snippets to show the product and emphasise the most amazing features would be better than just reading.

    • I believe the copyrighting of the website might be a bit mixed up. I am not sure whether a lot of small businesses care about branding their invoices as much convenience or cost. But if that is the angle you are going with it would be good to think from their point of view and what they care about. But then again, not sure how big this market is.

    • It seems like most of the features (feature section) are focusing on convenience unlike the top part of the website which talks about branding.

    That is my 2 🪙

  5. 1

    Hi Syed, my instincts are telling that the messaging of crafting an invoice is not enough to sell someone on the service. I feel like if someone is hopping onto quickbooks that they would just use that service fully.

    But it looks like you have an option to have the billing feature fully integrated and that you would be competing with quickbooks. I would definitely elevate that detail. I would change it/market it to communicate an easier and more cost friendly version of quickbooks.

    People like new options. I would totally use an easier and less expensive version of an invoicing software. :-)

  6. 1

    Honestly the landing page looks great to me.

    It's clear, concise, and professional-looking.

    That said, I don't think the problem lies in the landing page.

    There might not be a need for "unique" invoice templates, but I might be wrong, as I don't issue invoices.

  7. 1

    A few things to consider:

    1. Product messaging is unclear. No clear benefits apart from long-last impression.

    While having a consistent branding helps, it isn't something most people will pay for.

    1. How many visitors are you getting weekly/monthly?

    If you're not getting enough visitors in the first place, no one will sign-up for the product.

  8. 1

    Are you getting enough traffic, maybe that is the issue instead of a conversion rate? Do you know what the current conversion rate for your product is and what might be the expected rate of similar products?

  9. 1

    Explain how your product is going to save them what and how much

  10. 1

    I have a small business and I’m sending out ~20 invoices per month. I’m happy I set op my current system that it works automatically (easybill, Germany)

    • it let’s me put a logo on the top left of the invoice, which is all the branding I need for now. Don’t see how I make more money or retaining my customers or making them happier with more branding. The invoice goes directly to their accounting and readability plus their software to automatically recognize my invoice is much more important than a fancy design. For that some kind of standardization ist actually helpful.
    • since I’m already using one tool that has an api to my bank account and tax software, I really don’t want to bother setting up another tool, that I have to push my invoices through, to get more branding than a logo. It seems like lots of effort for little to no gain, potentially even messing stuff up.
  11. 1

    At first sight it's pretty clear what you are offering so far so no major issue IMO. How many unique visitors did you get on your landing so far?
    Having only 1% signup is not unusual at the beginning when nobody knows and when you are still searching for the right ICP (ideal customer profile) & USP (unique selling profile)

  12. 1

    People really want customized invoices, but they may not see why InvoiceMod is vital. Simplify your message to showcase what makes your platform special. If InvoiceMod doesn't offer standout features, pricing, or usability, customers might opt for alternatives. Good luck!

  13. 1

    Maybe people don't aware of the problem? Do you think many small businesses want to customize the invoice for their brand?

    1. 1

      People absolutely want to customize invoices for their brand. I've seen a lot of reviews on G2 about QuickBooks and a lot of Reddit comments on r/QuickBooks complaining about how QuickBooks got rid of invoice customization and now they're looking for alternatives because of that.

      1. 1

        Find those reddit comments and post your solution.

  14. 1

    Upvoted this!

    Hey! See if you can work on the traffic part. How many new people join you site daily?
    Conversion -- Improve your offer and add a whole bunch of testimonials.

    We used senja

  15. 1

    Add testimonials on your site.

  16. 1

    Find one person that fits your target audience and convince them to give you feedback.

  17. 1
    • There is something not right with the colours, specifically I think the gradient on the main title is making it all weird.

    • The "14-day free trial
      Cancel anytime" feel out of context

    You don't link to the pricing from the top by a menu for example and emphasize to "book a demo" make me think this is on the premium side and for large companies.

    Bother buttons just ask for an email and that pop-up feels broken as the big dark green on top seems like it should have some text

    "we'll reach out to you" sounds very weak, your doing me a favour? You don't know what your doing yet? This is a big turn off if anyone is reading it.

    The hero image seems overly complicated, I'd suggest breaking it into two, the first is just a sample invoice, the 2nd showing the menus should be under some kind of "customise your.." title.

    Integrations should probably be on the initial view

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