Why the boring tech is the best for starting a startup

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    The article could be summarized with the "Stick with what you already know" sentence.

    The tech stack doesn't matter, what matters is whether your startup works, solve some customer problems and whether you can market it correctly :)

    Learned it after launching a few startups, now I'm able to launch web apps like Screenshot Editor in 3 weeks (~ 80 hours) and make payments from it, helping people build startup graphics faster :)

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    The tech that gets you running the fastest, with low maintenance and low dev input, that one seems to be the best.

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    I wrote this article in here titled: Novelty is overrated, just copy what's working

    The article is all about improving on what already there and don't try to do something fancy.

    It is not to discourage you but doing something new eat a lot of resources. As indiehacker we want quick bucks not spend a lot of time educating customer and using tons of money in the process.

    Leave that to big guys.

    We just need to improve on what already working and make it niche specifc

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