Why this Florida venture capitalist is touring Seattle’s tech scene

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    He says the three main factors he looks for in the startups he works with are:

    1. The founding team
    2. The market
    3. The product
      ^ In that order. Which is interesting - I would have assumed (1) Product, (2) Founding team, (3) Market.
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      Well it all starts from the people. The right people will figure things out fast enough and iterate on the market/the product.

      The product can be changed. The market can be changed. Peoples' character cannot (easily) be changed.

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      His first investment was definitely motivated by the founding team - or at least, the motivation behind the founding team's desire to build that particular product for that particular market. I'm not a big fan of the implication that your product will only be successful if you solve your own problem, and this is a good example of a company that secured investment by solving a problem that wasn't directly their own - it's about the story behind the "why" they built that product that I think helps.

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