Why would you NOT buy my product?

Hello Everyone,

This is another way of asking "Roast my landing page" but more inclusive to gather feedback on my product overall.

I have been working on TripBudget.Me - an AI trip planner. With the feedbacks I have collected from here and some other platforms the features, pricing and landing page are fine tuned.

So, I would like to ask that why would NOT buy my product ?

Thank you for your time in advance.

on May 1, 2024
  1. 3
    1. I put in a few different destinations and even with a $5K budget, it never returned any results
    2. I don't want to set my budget. I want to find the best value, and ideally find a steal of a deal. I'm willing to tweak my dates and hotel choice to get a good deal.
    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback!

      1. Could you share your inputs on the search bar? I would be happy to look at close to it. If you like to do it in private feel free to text to yigit @tripbudget.me or @yigitagcame on twitter.

      2. I do understand your perspective regarding the budget input. According to feedback I have collected in last 2 weeks, I'm planning to make it optional.
        On the other hand, actually TripBudget goal is offering the personilized best based on as few inputs as possible.
        I do aware there is a group of potential customer who enjoys with the search and discovery. Tripbudget is not for this group. I'm targeting the group who sees the "planning" as a hustle and would like to enjoy with the trip only.

  2. 3
    • I hate bundling, feels like it would always cost more
    • Your page doesn't broadcast trust
    • Your anchoring with a high budget upfront, makes it feel not for me
    • So after that you nickel and dime me some premium ai features
    • The pricing page looks really non professional

    Trying to charge directly would probably lead to less conversations and less revenue per conversation vs affiliate income with this type of service IMHO, due it's a bit less work for you

    1. 1

      I hate bundling, feels like it would always cost more

      It almost always costs more because the bundler would, um, bundle his profits in that final bundle price.

    2. 1

      I tried to use the free option, IDK if this is complete yet or just a placeholder, but it doesn't work after I login with twitter it's back to the start basically

      I wonder what percentage of customers won't have these login options, like apple users that don't tweet

      1. 1

        Let me check the login issue you are talking about. Were you able to make a new search while you are logged in?

        More than 90% of the visitors who sees the login pop-up are logging in.

        1. 1

          If I use the login first it kinda works I guess (idk if it matters I went back and forth before first login..)

          "You have no trip plan right left 😔
          Unfortunetly, you've used all of your trip plan right 😿"

          "trip plan right" - sounds a bit broken due technical possibly ok

          Unfortunetly - Unfortunately ?

          1. 1

            Thank you. I will check that out! Btw, could you write the email address that you login tripbudget.me with, on twitter @yigitagcame to me ?
            I would like to define more searches on your account.

            Your feedback is so valuable for me! Thank you for your time

    3. 1

      Thank you so much for your feedback!

      Could you open up the topic "Your page doesn't broadcast trust" and "The pricing page looks really non professional" more?

      And yes, affiliate might be an option. I target to audiance willing exchange days of trip search/planning a trip to less than a euro, for now.

      1. 1

        It's like trying to be minimalist design but something misses the mark on the feel

        On the hero carrousel, the second item is too big for the box, the top text is cut out on my mobile

        On the pricing page, the use of both icons and bullets is problematic, it feels too childish, the choices as inconsistent style between the V and X.

        There is some unclarity on that pricing page, the free package has one of a thing the second isn't explicit on amount, but let's me buy several? If it's credits you probably should make a package not a single token. I don't feel I know what I'm buying and the benefits feels forced, how about only things that matter to me, preferably just 3-4 and specifically things that differ

        1. 1

          Oh I aware of the hero section on mobile. It's on the backlog the fix it. Thank you for bringing up one more time.

          Thank you for your feedback on pricing page. I will consider this. Could you clearify the part "V and X"?

          This pricing targets the give a free trial to visitors whom just found Tripbudget.
          Basically in free trial you may get a generic trip plan. If you like to use power of AI and personilized the plan then I ask for a payment.
          Does it make sense from this perspective?

          What do you mean with package?
          Are you talking about buying multiple searches at ones or upgrading a "premium" plan and use the AI features in that plan and pay regularly for it?

  3. 2

    Because I can directly ask chatGpt to plan my trip within any parameters I want.

    What value does your tool provide that chatGpt or any other AI platform can't?

    1. 1

      Thank you for your comment and question.
      Let's say you have 3000 euro in your pocket and would like to have a romantic trip with your other significant(s) in your have a few days vocation next month.
      Is there any prompt you can get an answer from chatgpt to get the most suitable flight, accomodation and restaurants options with booking links according to your travel style?

      Free version definetly can not do that, because it does not have internet connection.
      Are you ready to pay 20$/month for premium and try your chance there? Or just 0.99 euro one time payment per trip plan on TripBudget.

      Hopefully it was clear. If you still have question marks in your mind, I would be happy to answer those.

      1. 1

        You can absolutely do all of that and more with chatGpt premium but yes, not with the free version.

        However, Microsoft has a "vacation planner" via copilot(Bing) that you can do all of this for free that uses chatGpt in the back end.

        1. 1

          Microsoft copilot vocation planner uses cached data for flights and hotels. It's likely to see flights and hotels that it offers already booked out or prices had changed already. The copilot is good option and a competitor I should watch close.

          Having real time data for flights and accomodation is a cost itself. This is one of the reasons why the pricing of TripBudget is pay per search.

  4. 2

    It seems to give a bit random choices to the user. I feel that the user should be more involved. Also I don't get this messages I get in the hotels

    "You have no trip plan right left."

    To be honest I can't really understand the use of AI in your use case, so even if does something that couldn't be automated in a different/ better way I wouldn't advertise it to the user so much. User wants to get great results and doesn't care if it's AI or not. I would also remove "AI - POWERED 🤖" header.

    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback!

      How would you wish to involve in, more?

      1. 1

        As a beginning I would say, I should see more options on the results. Also having a clear view of why the recommendations shown are the best ones.

        1. 1

          You are able to see 50 different options in total as longs as there are flights to reach those options and fits in your budget or travel style. Please let me know if that's not enough.

          Recommendations order is by the popularity.

  5. 2

    This is a great way to gather constructive feedback.

    1. 1

      Thank you for your comment.

      Have you had a time to try Tripbudget. Is there any feedback would you like to share?

  6. 2

    Speaking from my own personal experience, I don't really care about the "full budget" of a trip as well. The bulk of the budget that goes into travelling somewhere for me and for most people are probably flight tickets and hotel nights, which requires the most planning. The cost of other stuff like food and drinks are negligible in comparison.

    1. 1

      the feedback I agree with the most right here ↑

    2. 1

      Thank you for your feedback!

      Yes, Important number of people gave the similar feedback. I'm considering removing setting budget option for trip plans to the set destinations by the user.

      If the destination choice is "Anywhere". I need a limitor for the AI, otherwise it gives really unrelated results.

  7. 2

    I don't like when businesses ask me "what my budget is."

    None of your business.

    My budget is to spend as little money as possible, to get the biggest bang for my buck as possible.

    Also as for the actual product, I'm not sure if I'm the target market, because I've planned a ton of trips on my own (foreign and domestic), and I never felt I needed more than Google and Expedia.

    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback!

      Your point about the budget input is understandable. The problem is the software needs some kind of limitation when user search for "Anywhere" to come up with a solution out of thousands of possible combinations.

      1. 1

        Why can't you just insist the user pick a destination and time frame, then you come up with a list of itineraries for them to pick from?

        They'll pick whatever they like based on their budget.

        1. 2

          Because of the cost of such a search :(

          Let me do a quick market research. Are you willing to pay 1.99 euro for such a search?

          1. 2

            I didn't know it would cost incremental money for that, are you plugging it into an LLM?

            As for willingness to pay 2 EUR, it depends on the quality of the results.

            If it really spits out results that I can't get with a few minutes' of search, then yes for sure, it's a no-brainer.

            Otherwise it really just does what I can also do myself, so no.

            1. 2

              The cost does not from computing that much but the data. Each data query the software makes for retriving the flight and accommodation options are paid. Wrapping such a result you ask for, the software needs to make multiple queries. That's what increases the total cost :/

              1. 1

                Oh wow, I think you need to figure out if the business model can even be profitable before moving forward.

                Because currently your app's user flow is contradicting the user's natural behavior.

                Nobody likes to specify a budget -- it's an annoying question, just as annoying as when the sleazy car dealership salesman asks you, "wHaT's yOuR bUdGeT?"

                My bottom line is secret, why would I give up my negotiating leverage right away?

                It feels the same here.

                You're not going to be able to change user behavior just because you need to keep costs low, that's just not how it works.

  8. 2

    Well done for just going for it and making the effort.
    I don’t like thinking about my trips in terms of full budget.
    First I think about where I want to go, the city etc, then I work out the cheapest way of getting there and which accommodation I can afford within my budget. I quite often go to more than one location for example.
    My initial budget is always a feat of denial / optimism. The process of booking the holiday makes me realise I am willing to pay a bit more for convenience and my budget expands.
    I always completely ignore food, excursions and that kind of thing… because I don’t want to worry about that until I go, it’s a holiday and credit cards are for that kind of denial :)
    Beyond that, accommodation and flights are both more or less commoditised so I’d rather search across multiple places to know I have the best deal.
    If accommodation wasn’t a commodity to me, I wanted something super cool, I’d want to know I had seen all the potentially coolest places.
    Searching for accommodation is also part of my learning about the place and deciding what I want to do there process.
    It is a nice idea, but the travel stuff I pay attention to is either:

    • the money rich/time poor stuff - luxury stories to people (travel blog and you too can effortlessly do this with us taking care of everything)
    • or the time rich money poor stuff, absolute base commodities of flight and accommodation.

    Not sure indiehackers are your ideal audience though, as it selects for Entrepreneurial / do it yourself kind of folks, and this kind of thing is probably better aimed at employees / students who have the time to plan and budget to that extent and a need for entertainment…. So I wouldn’t decide to kill it based on what we say :)

    1. 1

      Thank you so much for this long and detailed feedback :)

      Yes, definetly I do know what do you mean. I would like to leave a quote from a reply of mine I did to another feedback up there on the page.

      "I do aware there is a group of potential customer who enjoys with the search and discovery. Tripbudget is not for this group. I'm targeting the group who sees the "planning" as a hustle and would like to enjoy with the trip only."

      So, I agree with your last paragraph :)

      On the other hand, It's nice to see people's reasons here from themselves to validate/invalidate my origin hypothesis.

  9. 1

    while reading through all the comments I figured everything I wanted to mention was mentioned by the other users so I believe you are in good hands. The only little thing left is a grammatical error right here: "The budget must includes" which should change to "The budget must include". I believe little things like this can have a huge impact on the impression that your product has on its users. Good luck Yigit Agca!

    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback.

      I have a plan to fix all the grammar mistakes on the website before the launch. This goes to the list :)

      Also, it would be amazing if you can mention the feedbacks you agree with.

  10. 1

    when planning a trip there are so many individual factors and considerations, it will be hard to create enough trust to convert a user and pay for trip planning.
    I think you should consider offer the service for free for users and instead use some affiliates program as a business model

    1. 2

      This is not the answer of my question but thank your for your feedback :)

  11. 1

    I may no longer purchase TripBudget. If I pick customized day trip planning offerings from human professionals or if I have worries about the privacy and safety of my non-public journey data treated through an AI platform,.

    1. 1

      Thank you for your feedback!

      As you written as "no longer purchase", I assume you already have a purchase. If you have worries about your personal data and would like to be removed from the Tripbudget servers. Please send an email to support@ tripbudget.me

      On the other hand, I coulnd't quite understand the safety, privacy and non-public journey parts of your argument.

      TripBudget does not collect any info regarding your flight or hotel bookings. Just redirects you to website you can purchase them from.

  12. 1

    Lots of work to put in inputs without being confident in outputs. Don’t care that it’s AI powered, I care that it’ll work well and know what to expect.

    1. 1

      Thank you for you feedback!

      If you like to curious about what the result page looks like, it's enough to set only return date on the form. The rest of the inputs autofilled. Please let me know, if you had a different experience.

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